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Kernel Mean Matching

Steefano edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 6 revisions


Kernel Mean Matching (KMM) is an algorithm first proposed by Huang et al. [1] for instance weighting in domain adaptation. The algorithm finds weights associated with the source domain data points in such a way that the Maximum Mean Discrepancy of source and target domains is minimized in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space.


class transfer.instance_weighting.KernelMeanMatching(B = 1000, epsilon = 0.1, kernel = "gaussian", gamma = None, coef0 = 1.0, degree = 3)
Parameter Type Description
B float Upper constraint on the weights. Acts as a form of regularization.
epsilon float Allowed distance from the mean of the weights to one.
kernel string or callable Kernel used. Can be a callable that takes two matrices of points and returns their kernel matrix or one of {"gaussian", "linear", "polynomial", "sigmoid", "laplacian"}.
gamma float or None Coefficient of the dot product of points in the kernel. If None it defaults to 0 / n_features.
coef0 float The coefficient term in the kernel when choosing "polynomial" or "sigmoid". It is ignored in other cases.
degree int The degree of the kernel when choosing "polynomial". It is ignored in other cases.



fit(Xs, Xt)

Fits the model to the given source and target domains' inputs by computing the source domain weights.

Parameter Type Description
Xs array of shape (n_samples_s, n_features) Source domain inputs.
Xt array of shape (n_samples_t, n_features) Targrt domain inputs.

Returns: self, fitted weighter.


fit_predict(Xs, Xt)

Fits the model to the given source and target domains' inputs and returns the computed weights.

Parameter Type Description
Xs array of shape (n_samples_s, n_features) Source domain inputs.
Xt array of shape (n_samples_t, n_features) Targrt domain inputs.

Returns: beta, array of shape (n_samples_s) containing the weights of the source domain's inputs.




Array of shape (n_samples_s) containing the weights of the source domain's inputs.


  1. J. Huang et al. Correcting sample selection bias by unlabeled data. 2006.
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