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Tensorflow implemetation of the Edge Convolution


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An efficient tensorflow 2 implementation of the edge-convolution layer EdgeConv used in e.g. ParticleNet.

The structure of the layer is as described in 'ParticleNet: Jet Tagging via Particle Clouds'


Install via:

pip install medgeconv

Use e.g. like this:

import medgeconv

nodes = medgeconv.DisjointEdgeConvBlock(
    units=[64, 64, 64],
)((nodes, coordinates))

Inputs to EdgeConv are 2 ragged tensors: nodes and coordinates

  • nodes, shape (batchsize, None, n_features)
    Node features of the graph. Secound dimension is the number of nodes, which can vary from graph to graph.
  • coordinates, shape (batchsize, None, n_coords)
    Features of each node used for calculating nearest neighbors.

Example: Input for a graph with 2 features per node, and all node features used as coordinates.

import tensorflow as tf

nodes = tf.ragged.constant([
   # graph 1: 2 nodes
   [[2., 4.],
    [2., 6.]],
   # graph 2: 4 nodes
   [[0., 2.],
    [3., 7.],
    [4., 0.],
    [1., 2.]],
], ragged_rank=1)

print(nodes.shape)  # output: (2, None, 2)

# using all node features as coordinates
coordinates = nodes


The full ParticleNet for n_features = n_coords = 2, and a dense layer with 2 neurons as the output can be built like this:

import tensorflow as tf
import medgeconv

inp = (
    tf.keras.Input((None, 2), ragged=True),
    tf.keras.Input((None, 2), ragged=True),
x = medgeconv.DisjointEdgeConvBlock(
    units=[64, 64, 64],

x = medgeconv.DisjointEdgeConvBlock(
    units=[128, 128, 128],

x = medgeconv.DisjointEdgeConvBlock(
    units=[256, 256, 256],

output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inp, output)

The last EdgeConv layer has pooling = True. This will attach a node-wise global average pooling layer in the end, producing normal not-ragged tensors again.

The model can then be used on ragged Tensors:

nodes = tf.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(tf.ones((3, 17, 2)))
model.predict((nodes, nodes))

Loading models

To load models, use the custom_objects:

import medgeconv

model = load_model(path, custom_objects=medgeconv.custom_objects)

knn_graph kernel

This package includes a cuda kernel for calculating the k nearest neighbors on a batch of graphs. It comes with a precompiled kernel for the version of tensorflow specified in requirements.txt.

To compile it locally, e.g. for a different version of tensorflow, go to medgeconv/tf_ops and adjust the bash script. Running it will download the specified tf dev docker image and produce the file medgeconv/tf_ops/python/ops/


Results using this model architecture in the context of particle physics were presented at the ICRC 2021 conference , as well as the VLVnT 2021 .