Expense and profit tracker built for the needs of a bakery with multiple storefronts. The application allows net income on daily and monthly basis based on reported expenses and earnings. Built using the ABP.io framework.
With this application you can do CRUD operations with:
- expense types
- expenses
- employees
- shops (storefronts)
- daily earnings
- daily cash flow
- monthly cash flow
Usecase and model diagrams are found inside of the TulumbaDijagrami.drawio file.
Admin user default credentials:
- admin
- 1q2w3E*
To start with docker-compose cd into the root directory of the application and:
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up
The application will be available on localhost:8082 and the api will be on localhost:8083.
Requires .NET 6 SDK and runtime, and npm with node version 14.18.0.
Will also require a PostgreSQL database whose connection string will have to be added to the DbMigrator and HttpApiHost appsettings.json files.
After adding the connection string to the DbMigrator project, run dotnet run
inside of the root directory of the DbMigrator project to migrate and seed the database.
After migrating the database start the HttpApiHost project, from its root directory, with dotnet run
, the API will run on localhost:44389. This will run the application in debug mode.
To release for production run dotnet publish -c Release
and copy the directory with the DLLs.
Inside of the angular project first install the dependencies with npm i
and then run the application in the development mode with npm run start