General autodocking package for ROS based robots. hehe. :) Note: your dock must have the same cross sectional dimensions as the fetch charging dock.stl file. Front face is 300mm long, Each side is 100mm long, at 45 degree angle
Firstly, clone this package into your catkin/src folder using git clone.
Next, use catkin_make to compile the package.
Once the package has been compiled, open auto_dock.launch(which is located in the launch folder) and modify the remap statements as neccessary.
to="scan" (scan could be replaced by the name of your laserscan topic ie. laser_scan)
to="cmd_vel" (cmd_vel could be replaced by a custom name for sending velocity commands ie. dock_cmd_vel)
Next, in the params folder, open docking_parameters.yaml and tune the parameters as neccessary. Detailed descriptions of the parameters can be found in the same document.
The docking program subscribes to the topic battery_voltage of type std_msgs/Float32 to obtain the current batteries charge state in (Volts). Do ensure you have a source to publish to this topic.
To run the autodock program, type roslaunch fetch_open_auto_dock auto_dock.launch
To test the docking program without having to publish to battery_voltage and set the far goal parameters, drive/place the robot about 1 metre away from the dock with the robot pointing towards it and run the following lines:
roslaunch fetch_open_auto_dock auto_dock.launch
Followed by rosrun fetch_open_auto_dock
To test the undocking program by itself (warning: robot will reverse and spin 180 degrees) run the following lines:
roslaunch fetch_open_auto_dock auto_dock.launch
rosrun fetch_open_auto_dock
- It is recommended to place the near goal about 1-1.5 metres away from the dock and have the robot point towards the dock.
- Obstacle avoidance is not implemented here. Ensure dock area is clear before docking robot.