MediaPicker is a lightweight and flexible library for selecting media files from your gallery. It supports normal photos, videos, gifs and livePhoto. The library is written in pure Swift without any third-party solutions. The project was inspired by Telegram with its simplicity and elegance.
Please wait while the .gif
files are loading...
Comon state: | Selected view: |
Limited access state: | Change orientation: |
- All media type support
- iOS Deployment Target 15.0
- Light/dark mode support
- All orientations support
- Sheet presentation
- Photos Viewer screen, with custom transitions
- High performance, most animations are written in CALayer
- Multilanguage support, ability to add your own language completely
- Slide to select with auto scroll
- iPad support
- Selected assets view with drag and drop reodering
Custom font deploy -
Add the ability to customise the presentation style -
Minimise the presence of static properties and methods as much as possible - More functionality and UI configuration
- Ability to replace used icons with custom icons
- Add Custom camera
- Write a detailed documentation
- Rewrite the main screen to MVVM with Combine
MediaPicker requires iOS 15 or above and is compatibile with Swift 5.
MediaPicker is compatible with Swift Package Manager and can be integrated via Xcode.
Select the main
branch or the current release version
import MediaPicker
let mp = MPPresenter(sender: self)
let formatter = ByteCountFormatter()
mp.showMediaPicker(selectedResult: { (assets) in
assets.forEach {
print("Example selectedResult size \(String(describing: $0.size))")
print("Example selectedResult readableUnit \(formatter.string(fromByteCount: Int64($0.size ?? 0)))")
print("Example selectedResult fullFileName \(String(describing: $0.fullFileName))")
print("Example selectedResult fileName \(String(describing: $0.fileName))")
print("Example selectedResult mediaExtension \(String(describing: $0.fileExtension))")
print("Example selectedResult mimeType \(String(describing: $0.mimeType))")
print("Example selectedResult mediType \($0.type)")
Advanced use cases can be seen in the Example App