This repository contains R scripts for package FALCONET.
- Last update: 2020-12-01
R package – FALCONET (FAst visuaLization of COmputational Networks) is especially designed to draw and visualize the metabolic maps for GEMs models in large scale. Together with cellDesigner, FALCONET also make it possible to map multi-layers omics data onto the metabolic map in an easy way.
To get the current development version from github:
# install.packages("devtools")
The detailed tutorial to use FALCONET could be found in To use the package normally, please firstly download the template files which are used to generate the xml file. These template files could be found in They should be put in a directory file named 'data' within an Rstudio project. The files organization could refer to the above tutorial.
This repository is administered by Hongzhong Lu (@hongzhonglu), Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.