A boilerplate project for react native.
Step 1:
Download or clone this repo by using the link below:
Step 2:
Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:
npm install
Step 3:
For iOS only:
cd ios && pod install
Step 4:
To run the app on device or simulator, execute the following command.
For android:
react-native run-android
For iOS:
react-native run-ios
husky added in the package, To push the code on the repo you need execute the following command.
yarn validate
eslint --fix .
- react-native - 0.63.2
- react-navigation - 4.0.10
- redux - ^2.3.2
- Generic API structure.
- Generic Folder structure.
|- images
|- actions
|- StartUpActions.js
|- Component
|- LandingScreen
|- SplashScreen
|- Root
|- config
|- index.js
|- i18n
|- locales
|- index.js
|- navigators
|- AppNavigator.js
|- reducers
|- index.js
|- StartUpReducer.js
|- sagas
|- index.js
|- StartUpSaga.js
|- services
|- NavigationService.js
|- stores
|- CreateStore.js
|- theme
|- ApplicationStyles.js
|- Colors.js
|- Fonts.js
|- Helpers.js
|- Images.js
|- index.js
|- Metrics.js
|- utils
|- AsyncStorage.js
|- Constants.js
|- Scale.js
|- SendJson.js
|- ShowToast.js
|- Validators.js
|- App.js
This is a boilerplate project made in react native. Supported on all iOS and android devices.