👉 An original game NOT inspired by Pong classic game and Cyberpunk 2077. Seriously no.
- Game Preview
- About the Game
- Motivation
- Dependencies
- Proyect Structure
- Instalation
- Code Examples
- Thanks
- Licenses
Mid-course project. 2D Canvas HTML game made during the CORE Code School bootcamp. It is a classic Pong game with a retro style and with the artistic trend of cyberpunk.
It is important to mention that the game is for play --- 1v1 ---. That means that is a local multiplayer game. Enjoy it!.
Stay focus. You need to beat your opponent. Use the " player bar" to hit the ball while it bouncing through all the field.
There are some points spreaded int he field to make the game easier to win, if you catch the points of course, so grab it all.
Win the first player who get 10 points. Next the game will restart.
Play as much as you want.
Input map for players control:
Move | Player 1 | Player 2 |
Begin game | Spacebar | Spacebar |
Move up | W | I |
Move down | S | K |
I got inspired by my love to games. I've been playing video games for a long time. I want to build a retro classic game with a different and unique style, so I made this.
I repeat, NOT inspired by Cyberpunk 2077.
Just kidding.
Project dependencies:
├───📁 docs/
│ ├───📄 background.b5aa3883.png
│ ├───📄 ball.e99fc492.png
│ ├───📄 favicon.f2fe33f4.png
│ ├───📄 index.0042597e.css
│ ├───📄 index.0042597e.css.map
│ ├───📄 index.7ee11c56.js
│ ├───📄 index.7ee11c56.js.map
│ ├───📄 index.html
│ ├───📄 logo.cc56dded.png
│ ├───📄 music.1dafae87.mp3
│ ├───📄 player.24396099.png
│ └───📄 point.6212b6c1.png
├───📁 public/
│ └───📄 styles.css
├───📁 src/
│ ├───📁 actors/
│ │ ├───📄 Actor.ts
│ │ ├───📄 BackgroundMusic.ts
│ │ ├───📄 Ball.ts
│ │ ├───📄 FPSViewer.ts
│ │ ├───📄 GamePoint.ts
│ │ └───📄 Player.ts
│ ├───📁 assets/
│ │ ├───📄 background.png
│ │ ├───📄 ball.png
│ │ ├───📄 favicon.png
│ │ ├───📄 logo.png
│ │ ├───📄 music.mp3
│ │ ├───📄 player.png
│ │ └───📄 point.png
│ ├───📁 state/
│ │ └───📄 GameManager.ts
│ ├───📁 types/
│ │ └───📄 Point.ts
│ ├───📁 utils/
│ │ ├───📄 angleToRad.ts
│ │ ├───📄 checkLimits.ts
│ │ └───📄 KeyboardMap.ts
│ └───📄 script.ts
├───📄 .gitignore
├───📄 index.d.ts
├───📄 index.html
├───📄 package-lock.json
├───📄 package.json
├───📄 README.md
└───📄 tsconfig.json
--- under review ---
This class represents a lot of the project. It was a really hard and important class to develop.
Method "update" is nice to focus on, because you can see the ball bouncing effect code.
import { Actor } from './Actor';
import { Point } from '../types/Point';
import { Player } from './Player';
import image from '../assets/ball.png';
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') as HTMLCanvasElement;
export class Ball extends Actor {
ballSize: number;
maxSpeed: number;
collisionCounter: number;
keyStartPressed: boolean;
reset: boolean;
winPlayer1: boolean;
winPlayer2: boolean;
speed: Point;
ballImage: HTMLImageElement;
player1: Player;
player2: Player;
constructor(initialPos: Point, player1: Player, player2: Player) {
this.ballSize = 30;
this.maxSpeed = 400;
this.speed = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.ballImage = new Image();
this.ballImage.src = image;
this.player1 = player1;
this.player2 = player2;
this.keyStartPressed = false;
this.collisionCounter = 0;
this.reset = false;
this.winPlayer1 = false;
this.winPlayer2 = false;
update(delta: number) {
let ballRadius = this.ballSize / 2;
let player1Pos = this.player1.position;
let player2Pos = this.player2.position;
let newPosX = this.position.x + this.speed.x * delta;
let newPosY = this.position.y + this.speed.y * delta;
let yBallPosRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * 680) + 200;
if (newPosX + ballRadius > player2Pos.x + 25) {
this.maxSpeed = 400;
this.collisionCounter = 0;
this.reset = true;
this.winPlayer1 = true;
this.speed = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.keyStartPressed = false;
newPosX = canvas.width / 2;
newPosY = yBallPosRandom;
} else if (newPosX - ballRadius < player1Pos.x - 25) {
this.maxSpeed = 400;
this.collisionCounter = 0;
this.reset = true;
this.winPlayer2 = true;
this.speed = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.keyStartPressed = false;
newPosX = canvas.width / 2;
newPosY = yBallPosRandom;
if (
newPosX + ballRadius > player2Pos.x - 11 &&
newPosY + ballRadius > player2Pos.y - 80 &&
newPosY + ballRadius < player2Pos.y + 80 &&
this.speed.x > 0 &&
this.reset === false
) {
this.maxSpeed += this.collisionCounter + 35;
this.speed.x = -this.maxSpeed;
} else if (
newPosX - ballRadius < player1Pos.x + 11 &&
newPosY + ballRadius > player1Pos.y - 80 &&
newPosY + ballRadius < player1Pos.y + 80 &&
this.speed.x < 0 &&
this.reset === false
) {
this.maxSpeed += this.collisionCounter + 35;
this.speed.x = this.maxSpeed;
if (newPosY + ballRadius > 1080) {
this.speed.y = -this.maxSpeed;
} else if (newPosY - ballRadius < 0) {
this.speed.y = this.maxSpeed;
this.position.x = newPosX;
this.position.y = newPosY;
draw(delta: number, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
let position = this.position;
ctx.translate(position.x, position.y);
ctx.drawImage(this.ballImage, -this.ballSize / 2, -this.ballSize / 2, this.ballSize, this.ballSize);
keyboard_event_down(key: string) {
switch (key) {
case ' ':
this.reset = false;
let sideRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
if (sideRandom === 1 && this.keyStartPressed === false) {
this.speed = { x: -this.maxSpeed, y: this.maxSpeed };
this.keyStartPressed = true;
} else if (sideRandom === 2 && this.keyStartPressed === false) {
this.speed = { x: this.maxSpeed, y: this.maxSpeed };
this.keyStartPressed = true;
I want to thank our teacher Luis Miguel Feijoo, for all the help provided during these weeks of class and for being available to answer any questions. Nor would it have been possible without the support of my colleagues.