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This code reads molecular integrals and orbital energies from a TREXIO file and computes the Moller-Plesset 2nd-order correction to the energy for closed-shell systems:

\[ E\text{MP2} = ∑ij\text{occ} ∑ab\text{virt} \frac{ \langle i j | a b \rangle ( 2 \langle i j | a b \rangle - \langle i j | b a \rangle )} {e_i + e_j - e_a - e_b} \]


  • $e_p$ is the energy of the p-th orbital (the p-th eigenvalue of the Fock matrix)
  • $i,j$ label occupied orbitals
  • $a,b$ label virtual orbitals

The number of occupied orbitals is half the number of electrons, because each orbital contains two electrons. Unoccupied orbitals are called virtual orbitals.

As the reference used here is a Hartree-Fock ground state, the n_occ first orbitals are occupied (lowest in energy) and the remaining are virtual. Therefore, we have $e_i < e_a$.


gcc -g -O2 mp2.c -ltrexio  -o mp2


#include <stdio.h>
#include <trexio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

Reordering function

There are permutation symmetries in the indices of integrals, which are exploited to reduce the storage of the integrals in the TREXIO file.

\[ \langle i j | k l \rangle = \langle k j | i l \rangle = \langle k l | i j \rangle = \langle i l | k j \rangle = \langle j i | l k \rangle = \langle j k | l i \rangle = \langle l k | j i \rangle = \langle l i | j k \rangle \]

The following function swaps the four indices such that any of the 8 possible combinations gives the same quartet.

void reorder(int *i_, int *j_, int *k_, int *l_) {
    assert (*i_ >= 0); assert (*j_ >= 0);
    assert (*k_ >= 0); assert (*l_ >= 0);

    const int i = *i_; const int j = *j_;
    const int k = *k_; const int l = *l_;

    if (k<i) {
      *k_ = i ; *i_ = k;
    if (l<j) {
      *l_ = j ; *j_ = l;
    const int i = *i_; const int j = *j_;
    const int k = *k_; const int l = *l_;

    if (j<i) {
      *i_ = j ; *j_ = i;
      *k_ = l ; *l_ = k;

We chose an ordering where the smallest indices come first. in MP2, we always have 2 occupied indices and 2 virtual indices: $\langle i j | a b \rangle$, so it is now easy to filter out all the integrals which don’t have 2 occupied indices on the left and 2 virtual indices on the right.

MP2 program

int main(int argc, char** argv)

Open the TREXIO file

The name of the TREXIO file should be given as a command-line argument.

if (argc < 2) {
  fprintf(stderr, "usage: mp2 trexio_file.hdf5\n");

trexio_exit_code rc = TREXIO_SUCCESS;
trexio_t* trexio_file = trexio_open(argv[1], 'r', TREXIO_HDF5, &rc);

if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s", argv[1]);
assert (trexio_file != NULL);

Read parameters from TREXIO

We need to read small scalar variables. The first ones are the number of up-spin and down-spin electrons to define the number of occupied orbitals n_occ, and check that we are in a closed-shell system.

int n_up = 0;
rc = trexio_read_electron_up_num(trexio_file, &n_up);
if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading n_up");
assert(n_up > 0);

int n_dn = 0;
rc = trexio_read_electron_up_num(trexio_file, &n_dn);
if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading n_dn");
assert(n_up > 0);

if (n_up != n_dn) {
  fprintf(stderr, "This code is works only for n_up = n_dn");

const int n_occ = n_up;

We also need to read the total number of molecular orbitals to compute the number of virtual orbitals n_virt.

int mo_num = 0;
rc = trexio_read_mo_num(trexio_file, &mo_num);
if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading mo_num");
assert(mo_num > 0);

const int n_virt = mo_num - n_up;

Quantities involved in the MP2 equation

We assume the TREXIO file contains electron repulsion integrals (ERI) in the molecular orbital basis, and orbital energies.

We first read the orbital energies:

double*  epsilon = malloc(mo_num * sizeof(double));
rc = trexio_read_mo_energy(trexio_file, epsilon);
if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading mo_energy");

Then we read the electron repulsion integrals. They are stored in a sparse data format, so we obtain quartets of indices and values for non-zero integrals.

int64_t  n_integrals;
rc = trexio_read_mo_2e_int_eri_size(trexio_file, &n_integrals);
if (rc != TREXIO_SUCCESS) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading n_integrals");
assert(n_integrals > 0);

int* const index = malloc(4*n_integrals * sizeof(int));
if (index == NULL) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Malloc failed for index");

double* const value = malloc(n_integrals * sizeof(double));
if (index == NULL) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Malloc failed for value");

int64_t count = n_integrals;
rc = trexio_read_mo_2e_int_eri(trexio_file, 0L, &count, index, value);

We transform these arrays of indices and values into an array of double, where the index of the quartet (i,j,a,b) is located at address b-n_occ + n_virt*(a-n_occ + n_virt*(j + n_occ*i)). Only required integrals are stored.

By symmetry, the integral at (i,j,a,b) is equal to the integral at (j,i,b,a). As integrals may be stored only once in the integrals file, to be sure we don’t miss integrals we store the value at both addresses.

size_t nmax = n_occ*n_occ*n_virt*n_virt;
double* integral = malloc(nmax * sizeof(double));
memset(integral, 0, nmax*sizeof(double));

for (size_t kk=0; kk<n_integrals ; ++kk) {
  int i = index[4*kk+0];  assert (i >= 0);
  int j = index[4*kk+1];  assert (j >= 0);
  int a = index[4*kk+2];  assert (a >= 0);
  int b = index[4*kk+3];  assert (b >= 0);

  reorder(&i, &j, &a, &b);
  if (i >= n_occ || j >= n_occ || a < n_occ || b < n_occ ) {
  } else {

    a -= n_occ;
    b -= n_occ;
    const size_t ijab = b + n_virt*(a + n_virt*(j + n_occ*i));
    const size_t jiba = a + n_virt*(b + n_virt*(i + n_occ*j));
    integral[ijab] = value[kk];
    integral[jiba] = value[kk];

MP2 computation

double Emp2 = 0.;

for   (int i=0 ; i<n_occ ; ++i) {
  for (int j=0 ; j<n_occ ; ++j) {

    const size_t shift = n_virt*(j + n_occ*i);

    for   (int a=0 ; a<n_virt ; ++a) {
      for (int b=0 ; b<n_virt ; ++b) {

        const size_t ijab = b + n_virt*(a + shift);
        const size_t ijba = a + n_virt*(b + shift);

        Emp2 += ( integral[ijab]*(2.*integral[ijab]-integral[ijba]) ) /
          (epsilon[i] + epsilon[j] - epsilon[n_occ+a] - epsilon[n_occ+b]);




Print the result:

  printf("Emp2 = %15.12f\n", Emp2);


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