This package provides a few helper functions to augment the functionality of elm/bytes.
import Bytes exposing (Bytes, Endianness(..))
import Bytes.Extra
import Bytes.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Bytes.Decode.Extra exposing (andMap, hardcoded)
import Bytes.Encode as Encode
import Bytes.Encode.Extra
stringToBytes : String -> List Int
stringToBytes =
Encode.string >> Encode.encode >> Bytes.Extra.toByteValues
stringToBytes "Hello world!"
--> [ 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c
--> , 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f
--> , 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x21
--> ]
type Status = FromRemote | FromLocal
type alias MyData =
{ count : Int
, title : String
, status : Status
, weighting : Float
myDataDecoder : Decoder MyData
myDataDecoder =
Decode.succeed MyData
|> andMap (Decode.unsignedInt16 BE)
|> andMap (Decode.unsignedInt16 BE |> Decode.andThen Decode.string)
|> hardcoded FromRemote
|> andMap (Decode.float64 BE)
Decode.decode myDataDecoder <|
Encode.encode <| Encode.sequence
[ Encode.unsignedInt16 BE 12
, Encode.unsignedInt16 BE (String.length "Metric A")
, Encode.string "Metric A"
, Encode.float64 BE 0.234
--> Just
--> { count = 12
--> , title = "Metric A"
--> , status = FromRemote
--> , weighting = 0.234
--> }
type MyData2 = MyData2 Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int
myData2Decoder : Decoder MyData2
myData2Decoder =
Bytes.Decode.Extra.map8 MyData2
(Decode.unsignedInt16 LE) (Decode.unsignedInt16 LE)
(Decode.unsignedInt16 LE) (Decode.unsignedInt16 LE)
(Decode.unsignedInt16 LE) (Decode.unsignedInt16 LE)
(Decode.unsignedInt16 LE) (Decode.unsignedInt16 LE)
Decode.decode myData2Decoder <|
Encode.encode <| Bytes.Encode.Extra.list (Encode.unsignedInt16 LE) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
--> Just (MyData2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
Feedback, suggestions and contributions are welcome. Please raise an issue on Github, or create a pull request.