The website uses rladies/meetupr to interact with the Meetup API.
# install.packages("devtools")
A Meetup API key is required to update the upcoming meetings. To get one, login to Meetup, go to, copy the key they present there.
Then, run usethis::edit_r_environ()
and add following line to your ~/.Renviron
MEETUP_KEY=<your key here>
Restart your R session and the meetupr package will work.
Add previous presentations to past_meetups.yaml
, following the structure in the file and re-knit index.Rmd
Note that updating previous meetings will also pull in any new meetings, so that section may change.
The website is rendered using rmarkdown::render_site()
Make any changes and run this function.
To update the upcoming meetups, remove upcoming.rds
(if it exists) first.
Commit your changes into a feature branch (include both source *.Rmd
or .md
files and rendered .html
Push to the TampUseRs github repo and submit a PR.
GitHub Pages is autmatically enabled to serve from the master branch to
- tidyverse (dplyr, tidyr, purrr)
- htmltools
- rmarkdown
- rladies/meetupr
- yaml
- pacman (used but not necessarily required)