My Awesome Window Manager configuration. It's a highly customized setup focused on a clean, efficient, and visually appealing desktop experience.
This repository is not meant to be used as a whole, but rather as a reference for my own configuration. I do not recommend using it as is, as it is not meant to be used by anyone else. I do not provide any support for this repository. If you want to use it, you are on your own.
I'm using this awesomewm configuration on my NixOS systems, and you might notice some things that appear unusual, like the standard paths, e.g /usr/share
equivalent for nix is /run/current-system/sw/share
and for home-manager is ~/.local/state/home-manager/gcroots/current-home/home-path/share
on NixOS systems.
Wallpapers are not included in the repository because they were found online from various sources and later customized for personal use. I don't know the original sources, authors, or licenses for these wallpapers. If you want to use them, here's the link which contains all the wallpapers I use including the ones used in the screenshots: Wallpapers
git clone ~/.config/awesome --recursive
- Text Color:
- Primary Color:
- Secondary Color:
- Primary Background:
- Secondary Background:
- Tertiary Background:
Full (default):
worron/awesome-config Original configuration that served as the foundation for this project.
flex extension module for providing a collection of visually consistent and functional widgets, layout enhancements, and utilities.
The AwesomeWM community for their excellent window manager and helpful resources.