Releases: TechforgoodCAST/beehive-giving
Releases · TechforgoodCAST/beehive-giving
Update dependencies
Add maintenance notice and remove payment step
Resolve security alerts
Resolve location input issues on Chrome and Safari
Implemented enhancements:
- ProposalController specs #776
- Add responsive summary of report suitability #764
- Opportunity pages use dynamic colours where present #761
- Make value of card fees explicit on pricing page #744
- Can spot a mistake #736
- Add pagination #735
Fixed bugs:
- Add alt and name attributes to footer logo #811
- Can't save fund record changing from having restrictions to no restrictions #411
Closed issues:
- Complete pending specs #800
- Remove unused styles #777
- Refactor fullscreen layout #774
- Remove unused methods on Fund #772
- Refactor category_name and review shared methods #771
- Remove HashValidator #766
- Adjust assessment links styling #756
- Refactor routes #750
- Remove v3 deployment migrations #749
Merged pull requests:
- v3.2.0 #814 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest: Security warning: an embedded <script> tag on another site requested protected JavaScript. If you know what you're doing, go ahead and disable forgery protection on this action to permit cross-origin JavaScript #806
- ActionView::Template::Error: Can't be in the context of nil. [, <title>Dashboard | Beehive</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/assets/active_admin-25fba6432da33a6bb1db0dcf20cf867afa7ce89f7d1094510ee580db #808
- ActionView::Template::Error: Can't be in the context of nil. [, <title>Users | Beehive</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/assets/active_admin-25fba6432da33a6bb1db0dcf20cf867afa7ce89f7d1094510ee580dbbcae #809
- Fix type-o on homepage
Fixed bugs:
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass #804
- Update activejob #803
- ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest: Security warning: an embedded <script> tag on another site requested protected JavaScript. If you know what you're doing, go ahead and disable forgery protection on this action to permit cross-origin JavaScript #802
Merged pull requests:
- v3.1.1 #805 (suninthesky)
Implemented enhancements:
- Spec user returned to original url after sign in #775
- Spec recipient associations #773
- Spec collection associations #769
- Spec update notice #765
- Spec reports#show #753
- Can vote on assessment #734
- Display answers for restrictions #732
Merged pull requests:
- v3.1.0 #801 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- Net::ReadTimeout: Net::ReadTimeout #798
- Add rel="noopener" to links with target="_blank" #795
- Default text for missing description from legacy record #759
- Default text for missing title from legacy record #758
- Report timestamp for individual reads correctly #754
- Navbar responsive #752
- Cookie banner responsive breakpoint #722
- Homepage background image overflow on mobile #721
- Recipients admin panel - all view links show same organisation #275
Closed issues:
- Drop microsite column from Funder #791
- Remove Subscription model #770
- Remove cells-rails #748
- Counter cache opportunities count #738
- Update site meta tags such as description and image #728
- Remove intercom #726
- Tidy up schema #701
- Remove unused fields from Proposal #357
Merged pull requests:
- v3.0.18 #799 (suninthesky)