Distance field font for jme3
assetManager.registerLoader(DFontLoader.class, "dfnt");
BitmapFont fnt = assetManager.loadFont("Interface/Fonts/FreeSans32.dfnt");
txt = new DText(fnt, false);
txt.setOutline(new Vector4f(0,0,0,0.25f)); //Sets an black rgb(0,0,0) outline, thickness 0.25 [0-0.5range]
// txt.setOutline(null); //This would remove outline
txt.setSize(32); //Font size
txt.setMiddle(0.4f); //optionally vary thickness, default is 0.5
txt.setText("Some String");
txt.setLocalTranslation(0, txt.getHeight(), 0);
Alternatively, check: TestDFont.java
You can check:
Where you can download:
The first line of a fnt file looks like this:
info face="FreeSans Bold" size=32 bold=1 italic=0 charset="" unicode=0 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=4,4,4,4 spacing=1,1 spread=4
For correct rendering add " spread=x" where x is the spread value you used when you generated your font. It this is not present default value of 4 will be used along with a warning message.