BarBack is a drink ordering and bar management tool focused on delivering a unique experience for bar owners, staff, and customers.
Goonies developers: Development Team: Ryan Heise, Stephen Zerfas, Nicolas Turner, Joanne Kim, Sarah Silva Product Owner: Sarah Silva Scrum Master: Nicolas Turner
Sumtingeneric legacy developers: Product Owner: J.P. Da Prato Scrum Master: Duke Goulden Development Team Members: Carlos Astrada, Michael Banzon, Fredrick Lou
Live app:
Local Host settings: Start MYSQL/MariaDB a. In terminal run: 'mysql.server start' b. Then in terminal run: 'mysql -u root -p' c. press enter when password is requested In SQL, create database "barback" Create .env file in root directory with the following:
HOST=localhost PORT=7337
NPM Install
- NPM Install will first install dependencies then,
- Postinstall will auto-run
-Postinstall will perform the following actions
- Parcel Build - (webpack alternative to build react dist)
- NPM run copy:media - Copies image files into dist folder
Connect to the front end through http://localhost/7337
Requirements Node >= V8 MYSQL or MariaDb
Contributing See for contribution guidelines.