This repository contains the data and code for the analyses in the Research in Focus article by Richard W. Evans (@rickecon) and Patrick Neyland (@taxpat) entitled "How does a Move to a Flat Tax Affect Household Filers? The Case of Kansas".
We have created a Google Colab notebook with code almost exactly the same as th code in the Jupyter Notebook KS_FlatTax.ipynb
decribed in the next section. The Google Colab notebook has the advantage of using a distribution of Python and corresponding packages that run in the cloud on remote servers instead of on your local machine. This allows you to use the notebook from any kind of device with a browser. You can execute th code, see the results, and save output to a temporary cloud folder from which you can download anything you want to keep.
This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook KS_FlatTax.ipynb
that can be run locally on your own machine to replicate the analyses in the paper. You can also modify this notebook to use for other analyses you might want to experiment with. To run this notebook locally on your machine, do the following steps:
- Fork and clone (or download) the repository
- In your computer's terminal, navigate to the directory of the
repository on your local machine. - Create the conda environment
by typing the following command:conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the
conda environment by typing the following command:conda activate ks-flattax-dev
- This should allow your notebook to run while this conda environment is activated.
This repository contains the following items:
Jupyter notebook. An executable notebook you can use to replicate all the analyses in the article and creation of output and figures./images/
directory. This folder contains the.html
files for the dynamic visualizations in the paper and created in the notebook and the corresponding static.png
image files./images/CurrReformExtraExempt.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 5. Proposed Extra Income Exemption in SB 169 in Addition to Current Kansas Standard Deduction by Filer Type./images/CurrReformExtraExempt.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 5. Proposed Extra Income Exemption in SB 169 in Addition to Current Kansas Standard Deduction by Filer Type./images/CurrReformTaxRates.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 4. Kansas Current Progressive Marginal Tax Rates on Employment Income versus Proposed 5.15 Percent Flat Tax./images/CurrReformTaxRates.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 4. Kansas Current Progressive Marginal Tax Rates on Employment Income versus Proposed 5.15 Percent Flat Tax./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt1.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 7. Alternative Policy 1, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.15%, Extra Exempt. $6.15k, $12.3k, $6.15k, $8k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt1.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 7. Alternative Policy 1, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.15%, Extra Exempt. $6.15k, $12.3k, $6.15k, $8k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt2.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 8. Alternative Policy 2, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.05%, Extra Exempt. $5.85k, $11.7k, $5.85k, $7.5k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt2.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 8. Alternative Policy 2, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.05%, Extra Exempt. $5.85k, $11.7k, $5.85k, $7.5k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt3.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 9. Alternative Policy 3, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.25%, Extra Exempt. $6.15k, $12.3k, $6.15k, $8k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg_alt3.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 9. Alternative Policy 3, Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability, Flat tax 5.25%, Extra Exempt. $6.15k, $12.3k, $6.15k, $8k./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, for web publication. Figure 6. Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability./images/NetStateTaxLiabChg.png
. Static.png
file, for web publication. Figure 6. Dollar Change from Kansas Flat Tax Reform in Filer Net State Income Tax Liability./images/rain_totbal_50_ks_timeseries_nosubtxt.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, no subtext captions, for web publication. Figure 2. Rainy Day fund and total reserves as a percentage of general fund expenditures: 2000-2023./images/rain_totbal_50_ks_timeseries_nosubtxt.png
. Static.png
file, no subtext captions, for web publication. Figure 2. Rainy Day fund and total reserves as a percentage of general fund expenditures: 2000-2023./images/rain_totbal_50_ks_timeseries.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file with subtext captions. Figure 2. Rainy Day fund and total reserves as a percentage of general fund expenditures: 2000-2023./images/rain_totbal_50_ks_timeseries.png
. Static.png
file, with subtext captions. Figure 2. Rainy Day fund and total reserves as a percentage of general fund expenditures: 2000-2023./images/rain_totbal_pct_2022_nosubtxt.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, without subtext captions, for web publication. Figure 3. 2022 Rainy day Fund Balances and Total Fund Balances as Percent of General Fund Expenditures./images/rain_totbal_pct_2022_nosubtxt.png
. Static.png
file, without subtext captions, for web publication. Figure 3. 2022 Rainy day Fund Balances and Total Fund Balances as Percent of General Fund Expenditures./images/rain_totbal_pct_2022.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file, with subtext captions. Figure 3. 2022 Rainy day Fund Balances and Total Fund Balances as Percent of General Fund Expenditures./images/rain_totbal_pct_2022.png
. Static.png
file, with subtext captions. Figure 3. 2022 Rainy day Fund Balances and Total Fund Balances as Percent of General Fund Expenditures./images/state_taxtype_2023.html
. Dynamic data visualization Bokeh.html
file. Figure 1. Type of state employment income tax system as of January 2023./images/state_taxtype_2023.png
. Static.png
file. Figure 1. Type of state employment income tax system as of January 2023.
directory. This directory contains the data used in the analyses in the article--PEW total balances and rainy day fund balances historical data for all 50 states./data/cb_2018_us_state_20m
. Folder containing US Census Bureau shapefiles (7 files) and corresponding files for US states. We use the "<1.0 MB" files (the_20m
extension). See These are used in the creation of the/images/state_taxtype_2023.html
map image inKS_FlatTax.ipynb
Jupyter notebook./data/CostEstimateWorksheet.xlsx
. Excel spreadsheet for estimating the total cost and component cost of different polices. Used in Tables 4 and 5 and in Appendix A./data/fig2_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 2 in the paper./data/fig3_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 3 in the paper./data/fig6_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 6 in the paper./data/fig7_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 7 in the paper./data/fig8_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 8 in the paper./data/fig9_source.csv
. Source data for Figure 9 in the paper./data/ReservesBalancesData.xlsx
. PEW Charitable Trusts historical data on all 50 states total balances and rainy day fund balances from 2000 - 2023. "Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis: Reserves and Balances", updated May 17, 2023 (accessed May 26, 2023). Data can be downloaded from the PEW site from this URL (
. Data on 50 states plus District of Columbia state employment income tax type.