pip install -r requirements.txt
cd v.1.7
python main.py
This portable launcher is designed to help you quickly start playing Minecraft without the hassle of manual installation.
No need to worry about installing Java — unless you're planning to use mod loaders.
For mod loaders, make sure to have Java 17 or higher installed on your system.
- If you want to customize the asset files, do it !
- Compiling the app with Pyinstaller using PitLauncher.spec the asset folder will be packed in .exe file ! But if you want to add some styles to it after compiling, there is another folder you can put style files : User/AppData/Roaming/.pit/styles/
- To add a new style file, create a .json file and name it, use only small letters !
- Down below you can see an example of file !
// all colors can be rgb(r, g, b) or hex format
// also file supports Pyqt5 another color systems
// example qlineargradient(), and the others !
"file_name":["rgb(10, 10, 10)", // color of background
"rgb(52, 0, 222)", // text color
"rgb(131, 30, 232)", // button color
"qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:0, stop:0 #3400de, stop:1 #831ee8)", // progress bar color
"rgb(255, 255, 255)", // progress bar text color
"rgb(52, 0, 222)", // selected tab text color
"rgb(10, 10, 10)" // selected tab background color
- Var filename must be the same as _file name !
- blue.json / "blue":[ ]
- Remove all comments before saving !
Made by @TimaDub