React Boilerplate: DEMO
Full-Stack REACT & Redux - Created: 6 October 2016
Cannibalized from Templates and Boilerplates from around the web.
- Uses apisauce for API calls. See API for details.
- Uses redux-sagas to call customized api methods.
- Uses redux_sauce to create Types, Creators & Reducer.
- Uses redux-logger to allow for informative workflow from the devtools console.
- Uses redux-devtools-extension to allow for a macro perspective picture of your current store's state.
- Airbnb Style Guide implemented.
yarn || npm i
to install dependencies- touch a ".env" file and add 3 variables
- See .env_copy for reference.
- BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000/
- DEPLOY_URL=(your deployed url)
- NODE_ENV=development
- WARNING: You will not successfully spin up the app without doing this step.
- See .env_copy for reference.
yarn start || npm start
for development server- Once the "webpack built xxxxxx..." message appears (May take a few moments) the app will start.
yarn build || npm run build
for production server- This command will automatically change the NODE_ENV env variable to "production" and set off a chain of events for creating a bundle for production.
NOTE: I Highly recommend running yarn upgrade || npm update --save
to update package json before running yarn start || npm start
or yarn build || npm build
There is an error that appears in the dev console in development saying there are multiple instances of babel-polyfill_ found. This is normal and a by-product of using redux-saga's which require stag-0 regenerator compatibility. This error will disappear when using creating a production build.
- Ignite Infinite Red's React Native Boilerplate.
- Cory House's React Slingshot Boilerplate.
- Matthew Broatch's React Template.
- David Durbina's React/Express Boilerplate.
- December 1st 2016:
- Extensive refactor to entire project. WARNING in the process of re-factoring package.json and webpack.config for smoother deployment however process is not yet complete. Will update here when it's finished and GTG.
- December 2nd 2016:
- Finished major refactor and deployment. Click the "DEMO" link above to check out the latest working version. Thanks for the interest.
- June 11th 2017 = MAJOR OVERHAUL!
- Updated package.json.
- Updated webpack.config.js for using Webpack 2.0.
- Updated folder structure.
- Added yarn.lock file.
- Reconfigured PropTypes import from react to prop-types.
- Refactored syntax throughout entire project.
- Webpack Code splitting for common, vendor & app bundles.
- One can easily enable router based code splitting using
if desired.
- One can easily enable router based code splitting using