This library provides a set of reference implementations of co-speech gesture generation systems, adhering to a standard
interface (mapping srf_reference_implementations.interfaces.Transcript
This library exists to provide reference implementations to be evaluated by the Social Reward Function.
These reference implementations exist as submodules, coupled with wrappers to implement a common interface
- Yoon2018
- Gesticulator
# Clone submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Establish a virtual environment:
python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt build_requirements.txt
# Run tests and install:
pip install .
pytest .
# CLI:
srf_ref -h
In general, co-speech generation systems require the start and end timestamps of each word in dialogue to be given.
These timestamps are used by at least some of the provided implementations. If you wish to generate a transcript with
equally spaced words (likely for testing purposes), you may use the script scripts/
. This
will generate a transcript file which can be provided to the CLI.
A dockerfile
is provided to provide support for integration with ROS.
A reference stack is provided in docker-compose.yml
- Install docker-compose (v2.0+)
- Run a virtual robot:
"/opt/Softbank Robotics/Choregraphe Suite 2.8/bin/naoqi-bin" -p 9559 -b
- Connect to the virtual robot with Choreographe for visualisation.
docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans
Requirements are managed with pip-tools
. A minimal set of dependencies with maximally broad versions is defined in
. A working set of dependencies with pinned versions is defined in requirements.txt
This latter file is built by running pip-compile
. The same is true for build requirements.