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PyJuice is a library for Probabilistic Circuits (PCs) written in PyTorch. It has code for inference (e.g., marginals, sampling) and learning (e.g., EM, pruning) in PCs, which can be either defined by hand or generated directly from pre-specified structures (e.g., PD, RAT-SPN, HCLT).

Why PyJuice?

The biggest advantage of PyJuice is its speed and scalability. We benchmark PyJuice against prior PC packages SPFlow, EiNet, and Juice.jl on the PD and HCLT structures with various sizes by variating their width. We report the average ($\pm$ standard deviation of 5 runs) runtime (in seconds) per training epoch of 60K samples. All experiments were carried out on an RTX 4090 GPU with 24GB memory. To maximize parallelism, we always use the maximum possible batch size. "OOM" denotes out-of-memory with batch size 2.

# nodes 172K 344K 688K 1.38M 2.06M
# edges 15.6M 56.3M 213M 829M 2.03B
SPFlow $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$
EiNet $34.2_{\pm0.0}$ $88.7_{\pm0.2}$ $456.1_{\pm2.3}$ $1534.7_{\pm0.5}$ OOM
Juice.jl $12.6_{\pm0.5}$ $37.0_{\pm1.7}$ $141.7_{\pm6.9}$ OOM OOM
PyJuice $2.0_{\pm0.0}$ $5.3_{\pm0.0}$ $15.4_{\pm0.0}$ $57.1_{\pm0.2}$ $203.7_{\pm0.1}$
# nodes 89K 178K 355K 710K 1.42M
# edges 2.56M 10.1M 39.9M 159M 633M
SPFlow $22955.6_{\pm18.4}$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$ $\geq\!25000$
EiNet $52.5_{\pm0.3}$ $77.4_{\pm0.4}$ $233.5_{\pm2.8}$ $1170.7_{\pm8.9}$ $5654.3_{\pm17.4}$
Juice.jl $4.7_{\pm0.2}$ $6.4_{\pm0.5}$ $12.4_{\pm1.3}$ $41.1_{\pm0.1}$ $143.2_{\pm5.1}$
PyJuice $0.8_{\pm0.0}$ $1.3_{\pm0.0}$ $2.6_{\pm0.0}$ $8.8_{\pm0.0}$ $24.9_{\pm0.1}$

As indicated by the tables, PyJuice is not only much faster than existing implementations, but it is also more scalable -- it can train much larger PCs in a reasonable amount of time without suffering from OOM issues.

Technical details of PyJuice can be found here.


The easiest way to install PyJuice is via pip:

pip install pyjuice

Alternatively, you can install PyJuice from source by running the following commands:

git clone
cd pyjuice
pip install -e .

Example Usage

The best way to get familiar with PyJuice is by referring to our documentation and the tutorials, which provide a gentle introduction to the main functionalities of PyJuice. In the following, we provide some quick start guides to get your first PyJuice program running.

Train a PC with pre-specified structures

pyjuice.structures contains a collection of widely used PC structures. In the following, we use HCLT as an example to demonstrate how to define an HCLT and learn its parameters with the mini-batch EM algorithm.

Assume that we have a training dataset train_data of size [num_samples, num_vars]. Assume all variables are categorical with 256 categories. We start by importing the necessary functions:

import torch
import pyjuice as juice
import pyjuice.nodes.distributions as juice_dists
from pyjuice.structures import HCLT

An HCLT with latent size 32 can be defined by:

root_ns = HCLT(train_data, num_latents = 32, input_dist = juice_dists.Categorical(num_cats = 256))

Here, the input train_data is used to generate the backbone Chow-Liu Tree structure of the HCLT. It is possible to supply a subset of the training set (e.g., train_data[1:100,:]). input_dist specifies the distributions of the input nodes (here every input is a categorical distribution with 256 categories).

The returned PC is stored as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Specifically, every node in the PC is an instance of CircuitNodes (defined here), which stores the properties of the current node (e.g., parameters) as well as its children (which are also instances of CircuitNodes). The returned object root_ns denotes the root node of the DAG.

As hinted by the name CircuitNodes, rather than representing a single PC node (i.e., input node, product node, or sum node), every CircuitNodes encodes a vector of nodes with the same type. For example, a SumNodes (a subclass of CircuitNodes) represents a vector of sum nodes, and a ProdNodes models a vector of product nodes. In principle, we can still define every CircuitNodes to be just 1 node, but often the vectorized representation will greatly simplify the code (and also speed it up quite a bit).

For now, we will move on to training the HCLT, and leave the detailed description of the API for defining PCs to the next example. Although the DAG-based representation is straightforward to understand and manipulate, it is not a good structure for efficient computation. PyJuice uses a compilation stage to convert the PC into an equivalent GPU-friendly representation:

pc = juice.compile(root_ns)

Note that one can equivalently use pc = juice.TensorCircuit(root_ns). From this point, we can treat pc as an instance of torch.nn.Module, and the training procedure is very similar to that of a neural network defined with PyTorch. We first move the PC to a GPU:

device = torch.device("cuda:0")

The training loop of a single epoch can be written as:

batch_size = 256
for batch_start in range(0, num_samples, batch_size):
    batch_end = min(batch_start + batch_size, num_samples)
    x = train_data[batch_start:batch_end,:].to(device)
    # This is equivalent to zeroing out the parameter gradients of a neural network
    pc.init_param_flows(flows_memory = 0.0)
    # Forward pass
    lls = pc(x)
    # Backward pass
    # Mini-batch EM
    pc.mini_batch_em(step_size = 0.01, pseudocount = 0.001)

Here pseudocount is the Laplacian regularization hyper-parameter. Alternatively, we can use pyjuice.optim.CircuitOptimizer

Define your own PC

In the above section, we have learned how to generate a PC with a pre-defined structure and train its parameters with EM. This section delves deeper into the APIs for defining your own PCs.

The main APIs we will be using are juice.inputs, juice.multiply, and juice.summate, which are used to define input nodes, product nodes, and sum nodes, respectively. We start with the inputs:

input_ns0 = juice.inputs(var = 0, num_nodes = num_nodes, dist = juice_dists.Bernoulli())

The above line defines a vector of num_nodes input nodes, each defined on variable #0 and has a Bernoulli distribution. There are other optional arguments such as params that allow directly specifying the parameters of input nodes, and we will explain one that is particularly important: block_size.

input_ns0 = juice.inputs(var = 0, num_node_blocks = num_nodes // 4, block_size = 4, dist = juice_dists.Bernoulli())

Assume without loss of generality that num_nodes is a multiple of 4, the above line is an equivalent way to define a vector of num_nodes input nodes. While the semantic meaning of the two lines are the same, the latter is preferred as it allows the compiler (i.e., juice.compile) to better exploit block-based parallelization. Therefore, setting num_node_blocks and block_size simultaneously is more preferrable than solely setting num_nodes. Note that this also applies to juice.multiply and juice.summate.

We use juice.multiply to combine PCs defined on disjoint sets of variables:

input_ns1 = juice.inputs(var = 1, num_node_blocks = num_nodes // 4, block_size = 4, dist = juice_dists.Bernoulli())
prod_ns = juice.multiply(input_ns0, input_ns1, edge_ids = edge_ids)

In the second line, we define a vector of product nodes, where each product node connects to one node in input_ns0 and one node in input_ns1. The connection pattern is specified in edge_ids (with size [num_node_blocks, num_chs]; here num_chs = 2). We can also choose to not provide edge_ids, in which case we assume the inputs have the same num_node_blocks and block_size, and create num_node_blocks * block_size product nodes, where the ith node connects to the ith node of every input.

sum_ns = juice.summate(prod_ns, num_node_blocks = num_nodes // 4, block_size = 4)

The above line then defines a vector of num_nodes sum nodes fully-connected with the num_nodes product nodes in prod_ns. Optionally, we can define a block-sparse connectivity pattern by specifying edge_ids, which has size [2, num_edges]: every column of size-2 vector [i,j] denotes "the ith sum node block is connected to the jth product node block". We can also have multiple inputs to juice.summate (suppose we have defined prod_ns1 and prod_ns2):

sum_ns = juice.summate(prod_ns1, prod_ns2, num_node_blocks = num_nodes // 4, block_size = 4)

The above is equivalent to considering the input nodes to be concatenated into a single vector of nodes, and then define the edges correspondingly.