I currently am studying CS @ North Dakota State University from home near Minneapolis, and I expect to graduate Spring 2022 with a MS degree. Additionally, I have plans to work as a SDE Intern @ C.H. Robinson this coming summer. My hobbies include reading about current Tech trends, Wikipediaing, Cooking, Video Games, and Anime. As a software developer, my favorite languages are TypeScript, Java, Python, and Go as of recently. Please feel free to look at my portfolio http://trentyetzer.me/.
class README extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: "Trent Yetzer",
location: "Minneapolis",
url: "http://trentyetzer.me/",
school: "CS @ North Dakota State University",
work: "SDE Intern @ C.H. Robinson",
hobbies: ["Tech", "Wikipediaing", "Cooking", "Video Games", "Anime"],
favLanguages: ["TypeScript", "Java", "Python", "Go"],
componentDidMount() {
console.log("Introduction complete");
render() {
return (
<h1>Hello, I'm {this.state.name}!</h1>
<hr />
I currently am studying <strong>{this.state.school}</strong> from home near
<strong>{this.state.location}</strong>, and I expect to graduate Spring 2022
with a MS degree. Additionally, I have plans to work as a <strong>
{this.state.work}</strong> this coming summer. My hobbies include reading
about current <strong>{this.state.hobbies[0]}</strong> trends,
<strong>{this.state.hobbies[1]}</strong>, <strong>{this.state.hobbies[2]}
</strong>, <strong>{this.state.hobbies[3]}</strong>, and <strong>
{this.state.hobbies[4]}</strong>. As a software developer, my favorite
languages are <strong>{this.state.favLanguages[0]} </strong>, <strong>
{this.state.favLanguages[1]}</strong>, <strong>{this.state.favLanguages[2]}
</strong>, and <strong>{this.state.favLanguages[3]}</strong> as of recently.
Please feel free to look at my portfolio <strong>{this.state.url}</strong>
export default README;