A LudumDare 51 game made in 72 hours
Good day █████████████,
We’re thrilled to have you here in the Bureau. Because your ██████████████ and █████████████████ skills are phenomenal.
We believe that with someone like you, our ████████████ team will only get better.
To make your first day as smooth as possible, here are some things you should know:
- We believe that █████████████ ████████████
- Thus the Bureau always provides you with ███████████
- In case of accidents you must █████████████ and ████████████████
- If you have some questions about ███████████ just ask █████████
In the meantime, we encourage you to check out ████████████████████████ to get an idea of what we’re all about.
Once again, we’re all delighted to have you here and wish you a good first day as a ████████████████
Best regards,
Here you can find instructions for ████████████████████████ you have got from ██████████████████
W | Move forward |
S | Move backward |
A | Move left |
D | Move right |
E | Interact |
ESC | Menu |
CTRL | Crouch |
SHIFT | Dash |
SPASE | Jump |
Use a mouse to control the front camera of ████████████████████████
In case of accidents regarding █████████████ and ████████████ you must immediately contact these agents from the ████████████ department.
Artyom "Tricky Fat Cat" Volkov | Programming/Game Design | |
Ruslan Seferbekov | Level Design/Tech Art | |
Elena Mironova | █████████ | Level Design |
Serge Nikolaev | █████████ | Level Design |
Grigorij "Syntheslav" Markov | Composer | |
Sava T | Sound Design |