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pkg_browser is a simple web application designed for browsing pkgsrc
packages. By default the server listens on the ip and port 80.
You can override this by running pkg_server.js with -h host and -p port.
pkg_browser assumes that it's running at the root of a site. If it's
not, you should specify that with the -d flag, eg. -d '/foo', indicates
that the root of pkg_browser would be at
http://example.com/foo/index.html. Note that due to an inadequacy in the
software, the files normally under html/*
must be in html/$PREFIX/*
If you'd like to help with development, please see the github issues for a list of what needs to be done, there's plenty to do and help is greatly appreciated.
To create something usable run:
or make
or gmake
DESTDIR=/some/path make install
An smf template is provided in DESTDIR/out/smf.
The design was done by Ben Hutchison ben@aldaviva.com.
All non-third party code in this repository is provided under the MIT License, see the LICNSE file for more information.