Wraith: The Oblivion character generator
Based on the 20th anniversary edition.
Some terms are copyrighted by or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment. This tool is unofficial, and the author is not affiliated with the companies mentioned here.
The name is taken from a poem by H. P. Lovecraft.
This builds heavily on Embracer, another project of mine.
- TypeScript strict option
- Strict Mode (except for react-select)
- Use function components over class components (OK to use Hooks)
- CSS Modules
- Bootstrap v4
- Prettier 2 with single quotes
- No ESLint warnings/errors
- No console warnings/errors
- Works in modern browsers
- Jest/Enzyme tests (using it() alias for test()) - all passing
Built with React, Redux, and Redux Toolkit - thanks so much to Facebook, Dan Abramov, Mark Erikson, and all contributors!
Built with TypeScript - thanks to Microsoft, Anders Hejlsberg, and the community!
Thanks to Cory House for pointing me to react-typescript-cheatsheet, and to @swyx and other contributors for those cheatsheets!
Thanks to jcalz for answering a tricky TypeScript question!
Uses Font Awesome by Dave Gandy (v4, not v5).