A Python Module designed to find and brute force Zoom Meeting ID's, with different modes.
This Idea began when a saw a zWarDial Concept that could crack almost 100 Zoom Meeting ID's in almost 60 Minutes. With that goal in mind, I started this project, to help the security research community in fixing such flaws in the Zoom Meeting Software.
I saw many different tools, like ZoomBrute which have now become obsolete and are of no use anymore, so I decided to make something that works like a charm and has a lot of support hopefully. This is not only a Tool but a Python Module to Brute Force the Zoom Meeting ID and the Password if there is one, so it is easier to incooperate in other things, with litte work for others to do.
Note This Program is currently in BETA mode so, and is under active development, if you have any suggestions or want to work with me feel free to contact me on Github by starting a ISSUE or contacting me at jacobkhanjamali@gmail.com.
- Windows 10 [Zoom Needs to Be Installed for it to Work]
- Windows 7 (Provided if take snapshots of the start button for your use case)
Use any version of Python 3.6.x and install the following Modules to go with them.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 1
Clone this Github Repository by Typing
git clone https://github.com/UBISOFT-1/ShameOnYou.git
Step 2
Extract the rockyou.rar to this Folder (ShameOnYou) with the rest of the scripts so that the Password Dict Should be used :)
Step 3
Open CMD and change Directory/Folder to ShameOnYou
cd ShameOnYou
Step 5
Then, type
python3 main.py
or python main.py
or py main.py
Leave it running do not touch anything, change the active window to Zoom if it does not itself.
This will start the Program, it is recommended if you have more Important Stuff to Do, the best stradegy is to download a Windows 10 VM and Install Zoom in it and let it running.
Major Code Changes, Now Added a Password Brute Forcer, you can add your Custom Dictionary as Well.
- First Generates the Meeting ID
- Then if it works then goes on to Brute Force it if it is Password Protected
- When Password is BruteForced saves it in a File named Works.txt Format meeting:password
- Note in Zoom-Meeting.txt saves the meeting_ids like Format (meeting_id:req_pswd/no_req_psws)
Success Rate According to Current Testing 97%
Captcha Evasion [Works] Bypasser
I added the Windows XP Bliss Wallpaper to use, as the Windows Button changes itself depending upon the background, Like see this Example below
So for the best results use the Bliss Wallpaper Included and yes its nostalgic no need to say Thanks :)
Here is a Demo of the Program itself [CLI]
I found a working ID Second Try, I mean lolz
Note This Video Does not show the Ottoman BruteForcer in Action, gonna make a video on that as well,
self.meetings_dict = { 'personal_meeting_old':9, 'personal_meeting_new':10, 'scheduled_meeting':11 }
- Password BruteForcer [Completed]
- Adding a Server that connects all the VM's and increase the Brute Forcing Speed by stopping the duplicates.
- Support for MacOS, Ubuntu and Kali Linux [Hopefully]
- Automatic Troller [Using OBS Studio and other Troll Methods, or Setup a Troll WorkFlow]
- GUI (Coming Really Soon)
ShameOnYou Python Zoom Cracking Module I am working on further making the module better and add much more features to it.
Captcha Evasion works, because of the use of VM's with Zoom Client Installed on it. I am currently using Rockyou.txt as password Dictionary and it appears to be working. Almost 60 % of the tried brute forced meeting ID's have been successfully opened by using Rockyou.txt and certain anomalies produced in the file, will help further evade a ban on Zoom.
Here is a Simple Demo of the Module as of now,
2 New Modes are Here - Meeting ID Selenium BruteForcer and Meeting ID Requests Brute Forcer. Added enough user-agents, that it is too overkill for a DDoSer as well.
Just to Clarify if you do not want to code, then you can just type python main.py
and let it do it automatically, but the features are there if you ever need to use them.
#Code Snippet
Bomber = ZoomBomber()
while True:
- The first one finds zoom meeting id's using the Requests Module and auto-checks
Link = Bomber.Zoom_Requests_Gen()
- The second one makes the Zoom Link using the Pyautogui Module.
Link = Bomber.generate_link()
- This checks the Link if it works,
Link_Status = Bomber.check_link(Link)
if Link_Status == True:
- And if the Link is Correct and the Fail-Safe's also detect that, then begins the Brute-Forcer and auto-saves the Password.
print(f'[?] This Link Works {Link}')
print('[+] Stopping Code Execution Now')
This is the Progress of only a day's work hopefully we could make this go a lot further. Its easy, to do open-source work like this when we have patreon support :)
MIT License (C) 2021 Muneeb Ahmad
Zoom Bombing or joining a Zoom Meeting without Permission is considered a intrusion of privacy and it is strictly prohibited, do not use this for illegal purposes, as this project is soley intended for helping the research community and making this to raise awareness and hopefully stopping this from happening. If you use this for illegal purposes then it is totally on you my intention was clear and and it is that this is indended for research purposes. :)