Repository for QPACE's RaspberryPi
- The Pi (CCDR) uses the chip SC16IS740 to communicate with the WTC sub-system. The chip converts I2C to UART (vise-versa). The hardware for the chip is different for the Flight Model and the Developement Board. The Flight Model uses a crystal frequency of 1843200 and the Development Board currently uses 11059200. Please revert the software define
back to Flight Model Configuration before launch! (currently defined in
While developing code for the Pi/CCDR sub-system please use the sysargv
feature to display a variety of information about the system.
Do not use
anymore. Use python3 *{}
from now on.
- no arguments will print only sys messages
- v - verbose (prints everything)
- e - errors
- w - warnings
- i - info
- d - debug
- r - results
- s - successes
- f - failures
To produce a log message you must use the functions provided. Each sysargv
or logging mode
corresponds to a Logger function inside of the file.
- logSystem("Some String") - Sys logs will always be printed! Should be used to print sys config / init loggings
- logError("Some String") - Critical Errors
- logWarning("Some String") - Warnings about system features or function uses
- logInfo("Some String") - Useful for mid-function data.
- logDebug("Some String") - Useful when developing a specific feature
- logResults("Some String") - Typically for byte arrays. Use this for especially for COMMS data!
if you wish to display bytearray data (example 128-byte packets) please use''.join(map(chr, someByteArray))
- logSuccess("Some String") - Useful to see if process executed correctly
- logFailure("Some String") - Useful to see if process didn't execute correctly
python3 e w d
#This will print errors, warnings, and debug messages (and of course sys logs)
-> Hello
python3 v
#This will print everything that enters the logging functions!