Releases: UNFmontreal/toad
Releases · UNFmontreal/toad
V1.1 Anaxyrus
Merge pull request #252 from arnaudbore/master Update methodology + documentation
V1.1-beta Anaxyrus
New tasks:
- An atlas section has been created: atlas registration will now be performed as a separate task.
- dcm2toad: the tool to convert your data from dicom to toad has been updated. You can also change your output folder name using a text file.
- Miscellaneous: minor bugs and typos have been fixed.
- Documentation was also updated relative to the new tasks.
TOAD aims to offer an automated pipeline to process diffusion neuroimaging data. The toolkit uses a large combination of tools (Matlab, FreeSurfer, FSL, Mrtrix) to clean the data, compute different masks, segment maps and then compute fibers, tensors and their associated metrics such as Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and so on.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Merge pull request #75 from cbedetti/master Rewrote 08-snr and correct the bug of issue#70
super beta
Merge pull request #52 from mathieudesro/master Improve code stability
unftoad, fieldmap. take five.
Merge pull request #41 from mathieudesro/master improve unf2toad conversion tools as issue #40
Merge pull request #28 from mathieudesro/master add nearestneighbour to flirt, create an environment file
Still alpha but closer to a beta release
Merge pull request #15 from mathieudesro/master add nlmeans algorithm to denoising task
Alpha release with fielmap capability
Merge pull request #12 from cbedetti/master Adapt QA with the mriutil method extractFirstB0FromDwi
Alpha release
Merge pull request #7 from mathieudesro/master Copy FreeSurferColorLUT_ItkSnap.txt into masking task