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This is a quick start to use the ng2-cbp-cf (Common Framewor) with Angular2 and ngrx/store --> RxJS powered state management inspired by Redux for Angular2 apps.
- Angular
- ngrx/store
- ngrx/effects
- ngrx/store-devtools
- RxJS
- Typescript 2
- Webpack 2
- Karma
- Jasmine
node >= 6
$ git clone https://github.com/US-CBP/ng2-cbp-quickStart.git
$ cd ng2-cbp-quickStart
$ npm install
#open a new terminal and run the below link command if its NOT already done
$npm link ng2-cbp-cf
#open a new terminal to launch the node server api
$ npm run server:api
#open a new terminal to launch the webpack server to show the UI
$ npm run server:dev
go to http://localhost:3000
Script | Description |
npm run build |
Lint, test, and build the application to ./target |
npm run lint |
Lint .ts and .js files |
npm run lint:js |
Lint .js files with eslint |
npm run lint:ts |
Lint .ts files with tslint |
npm test |
Run unit tests with Karma and Jasmine |
npm run test:watch |
Run unit tests with Karma and Jasmine; watch for changes to re-run tests |
- Separate css vendor to main chunk file
- Export the config of CF to be overwritten
- Be able to pass data instead of URL through a mechanism
- Be able to lazy load child nodes in Dropdown Tree
- Add disable option for Dropdown Tree
- Allow Dropdown Tree to open above
- Make Dropdown Tree NgModel enabled
-SCSS: None for now
-Make sure to have "C:\windows\system32" in PATH.