Let buyable item can add to cart, and make order with cart's items, and also provide payment feature.
This package depends on:
composer require unisharp/cart dev-master
Include api into api.php
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
route lists:
Method | Uri | Comment |
POST | api/v1/carts | Create the cart |
DELETE | api/v1/carts/{cart} | Delete the cart and cart's items |
GET | api/v1/carts/{cart} | Get the cart and cart's items |
PUT | api/v1/carts/{cart} | Add item(s) to the cart |
POST | api/v1/carts/{cart} | Refresh cart and add item(s) to the cart |
DELETE | api/v1/carts/{cart}/{item} | Remove a item from the cart |
Create a new cart
$cart = CartManager::make();
Get a exist cart
$cart = CartManager::make($cart);
Add item to the cart
$item = new Item([
'id' => 1,
'$quantity' => 10,
'extra' => [
'comment' => '...'
$cart->add($item->id, $item->quantity, $item->extra)->save();
Get cart's items
Remove item from the cart
Clean cart's items
Destroy the cart
Include api into api.php
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
route lists:
Method | Uri | Comment |
POST | api/v1/orders | Create an order |
GET | api/v1/orders | List all orders |
DELETE | api/v1/orders/{order} | Delete the order |
PUT | api/v1/orders/{order} | Update the order's status, price and shipping_status |
GET | api/v1/orders/{order} | Get the order |
DELETE | api/v1/orders/{order}/{item} | Remove a item from the order |
GET | api/v1/user/me/order-items | Get current user's orders |
Create an order manager
// Get order manager
$order = OrderManager::make();
// Assign operator
// Checkout cart's items and buyer and receiver's information
$items = CartManager::make($cart)->getItems();
$information = [
'buyer' => [],
'receiver' => [],
'payment' => 'credit'
$order->checkout(items, informations)
Get an exist order
$order = OrderManager::make($order)->getOrderInstance();
Both of CartManager and OrderManager already have trait
class CartManager
use CanPricing;
Customize pricing module
use UniSharp\Pricing\Pricing;
use UniSharp\Pricing\ModuleContract;
class CustomPricingModule implements ModuleContract
public function handle(Pricing $pricing, Closure $next)
return $next($pricing);
public function finish(Pricing $pricing)
Set Custom pricing module in config/pricing.php
return [
'modules' => [
Get pricing
// get original price
// get total price
// get fee
More details on unisharp/pricing
Set payment gateway config
return [
'payment' => [
'driver' => 'EcPay',
'merchantId' => '2000132',
'hashKey' => '5294y06JbISpM5x9',
'hashIV' => 'v77hoKGq4kWxNNIS',
'actionUrl' => 'https://payment-stage.ecpay.com.tw/Cashier/AioCheckOut/',
'returnUrl' => 'https://localhost/payment/confirm',
'notifyUrl' => 'https://localhost/payment/notify',
'clientBackUrl' => 'https://localhost/payment/return',
'paymentInfoUrl' => 'https://localhost/payment/information'
Set api into api.php
// Include payment api
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
// Implement payment response url
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1/payment'], function () {
Route::get('confirm', function () {...});
Route::get('notify', function () {...});
Route::get('return', function () {...});
Route::get('information', function () {...});
Method | Uri | Comment |
GET | api/v1/orders/{order}/pay | Call payment |
GET | api/v1/payment/confirm | Payment completed url |
GET | api/v1/payment/notify | Notify url |
GET | api/v1/payment/return | Client back url |
GET | api/v1/payment/information | Payment Information url |