Releases: VCityTeam/Sunlight
Add Sunlight API for RayTracing.
Remove cityGML parsing files.
Remove SunlightDetection
Update CMake to create a library (dll) rather than an executable.
Remove OpenGL prerequisites.
Remove libxml2 prerequisites.
Move installation guide to
Add SunDatas type containing sun parsing result (position, direction, date).
For ease of use in SWIG, replace the dictionnary by a vector of SunDatas in SunEarthParser
Remove the dummy values in the SunEarthParser
class, returning only the position of the sun based on real datas.
Add createOutputDirectory function to SunlightObjExporter
Update SunlightObjExporter
to export results for a triangle.
Move road map and pipeline documentation in pySunlight.
Add Contributing, Contact and Acknowledgments in
Full Changelog: 0.1...0.2
0.1 - Isolate Sunlight from 3DUSE
- Create pipeline and roadmap.
- Create Installation guide.
- Create documentation to create 3DUSE bounding box files.
- Extract minimal code from 3DUSE plugin in another reposity.
- Remove Qt library and boost dependency.
- Replace home made log system by an external library (spdlog).
- Produce a new CMake with only Sunlight dependancies (and not 3DUSE).
- Add error message on missing bounding box files.
- Add warning message on missing sun position datas.
- Replace raw pointers by std::smart_pointers to avoid memory leak.
- Change C++ version to C++ 20, because we are using advanced features (optional, filesystem...).
Full Changelog: