Teensy4.0 Audio Lib Components:
Fully stereo in/out reverb component for the standard 16bit Audio library.
Reverb requires stereo in and out connenctions.
void size(float32_t n);
sets the reverb time. Parameter range: 0.0 to 1.0.
reverb.size(1.0); // set the reverb time to maximum
void lowpass(float32_t n);
sets the reverb master lowpass filter. Parameter range: 0.0 to 1.0.
reverb.lowpass(0.7); // darken the reverb sound
void hidamp(float32_t n);
sets the treble loss. Parameter range: 0.0 to 1.0.
reverb.hidamp(1.0); // max hi band dampening results in darker sound
void lodamp(float32_t n);
sets the bass cut. Parameter range: 0.0 to 1.0.
reverb.lodamp(0.5); // cut more bass in the reverb tail to make the sound brighter
Audio connections used in the example project:
by default the reverb places it's buffers into OCRAM/DMAMEM region.
Comment out the
line in the effect_platervbstereo.h
file to place the variables into the DCTM ram region.
Copyright 12.2020 by Piotr Zapart