- Parallel writing multiple files (with once callback after the end of recording all files)
- Ability to write JSON through the stream (see example)
npm i vv-filestream
Writing two files. Each file is written in two chunks. First file has bad name, second file has good name.
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const fileNameBad = 'a:/bad.json'
const fileNameGood = path.join(__dirname, 'good.json')
const data1 = [{aaaa: 1},{aaaa: 2},{aaaa: 3}]
const data2 = [{aaaa: 1, bbbb: 1},{aaaa: 2, bbbb: 2},{aaaa: 3, bbbb: 3},{aaaa: 4, bbbb: 4},{aaaa: 5, bbbb: 5}]
const vvfs = require('vv-filestream').Create({prefix: '[\n', suffix: '{}\n]'})
vvfs.onClose(result => {
result.forEach(f => {
console.log(`file ${f.fullFileName}`)
if (f.error) {
console.log(`ERROR ${f.error.message}`)
} else {
console.log(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(f.fullFileName, 'utf8')))
vvfs.write({fullFileName: fileNameBad, data: data1.slice(0, 2)})
vvfs.write({fullFileName: fileNameGood, data: data2.slice(0, 2)})
vvfs.write({fullFileName: fileNameBad, data: data1.slice(2, 5)})
vvfs.write({fullFileName: fileNameGood, data: data2.slice(2, 5)})
- result in vvfs.onClose - array:
{fullFileName: 'a:/bad.json', error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'a:\\bad.json'}
{fullFileName: ' ... good.json', error: undefined}
- file good.json has content (last empty object used to escape the comma after the previous line):