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1 - Description

Two branch similarity neural network to perform image retrieval given a text query or caption on Flickr30k dataset. The two branches encodes the images and the captions into a embedding vector of length 128 which is then compared using cosine similarity to rank the output results.

2 - Approach

The model was built using two neural networks (one for the images and other for the captions) and was trained using the triplet loss function.

2.1 - Dataset

Flickr30k dataset was used to train the models

  • The process for getting the dataset can be found here (The dataset is also available on kaggle).
  • The splits for train, val, and test were used from here

The dataset consists of 31,783 images out of which 1000 were used for validation and testing each.

2.2 - Two Branch Architecture

Model Architecture

Image Branch
  • The image branch (on the left) takes in an image of size 256 x 256.
  • The Inception network has fixed weights and not trainable. (The embedding for each image was generated before hand using the Inception V3 to save memory)
Caption Branch
  • The caption branch (on the right) takes in stemmed captions.
  • The tokenizer encodes the input into one-hot array of size 13,388 (vocabulary size).

2.3 - Triplet Ranking Loss Function

Loss Function

  • m: margin between the positive and negative similarities (parameter).
  • d: distance function (cosine similarity is used)
  • xi: training image
  • yp: positive caption for image xi
  • yn: negative caption for image xi
  • yi: training caption
  • xp: positive image for caption yi
  • xn: negative image for caption yi

More details about the ranking loss can be found here.

2.4 - Similarity Function

Cosine Sim

  • Close to 1 ~ High Similarity
  • Close to -1 ~ Low Similarity

2.5 - Training

  • The training was done using random sampling method on batch size of 64 and margin of 0.5.
  • The trained models are available in the models folder.

3 - Outputs

Ground truth image:

Ground Truth

Query The surfer is in the wave .

Position in results: 7th

Output results:


Other results can be found in image_text_learning_one_hot.ipynb.


  • Bryan A. Plummer, et al. "Flickr30K Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models". IJCV 123. 1(2017): 74-93.
  • Peter Young, et al. "From image descriptions to visual denotations: New similarity metrics for semantic inference over event descriptions". TACL 2. (2014): 67–78.
  • Sethu Hareesh Kolluru, . "A neural architecture to learn image-text joint embedding.". - link


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