Releases: Vheissu/aurelia-configuration
Releases · Vheissu/aurelia-configuration
Thank you to the numerous community contributions that have made version 2.0.0 possible.
This isn't an overly large release, but it sees the plugin reverting back to a Javascript only structure and removing TypeScript as the compiler. There were numerous issues with some libraries and TypeScript, some were experiencing weird errors thanks to the way TypeScript generated some source files for AMD and CommonJS. The typing definitions are also hand-written instead of being generated.
Just a small fix which addresses a problem with typings.
Bug Fixes
- all:
- Changed loader back to use loader and not default
- rely on path for loading config files to allow overrides and use path helper (608d1476)
- instantiate class properties from within constructor (798e4104)
- changed build process to generate TypeScript definition files and more. (f4db5f9e)
- removing core-js dependency (ccb31f76)
- build: Build src for update to environment selectors (4388dac6)
- configure:
- remove weakmaps so we can have a polyfill free class (346faf92)
- parse data response as JSON (e2a9a834)
- dependencies:
- updating and fixing out-of-date dependencies (75583c6d)
- updating Aurelia dependencies again and fixing config.js file (b5a33032)
- updating dependencies to beta versions for Aurelia and other dev deps (5dd4eda0)
- environment-selection: Update environment selection (ac2c5c33)
- jspm: dependency was removed from Jspm section when Webpack fixes were applied. (2a785d3d)
- npm: update npm main (694cf6f0)
- package: change JSPM registry format to Github (4e54b748)
- syntax: simplifying ternary and removing redundant assignments. (caaf7d56)
- tasks: remove linting from prepare release task (75356786)
- configure: use the Aurelia loader dependency to load configuration files instead of HTTP (2b9a8144)
Bug Fixes
- all:
- rely on path for loading config files to allow overrides and use path helper (608d1476)
- instantiate class properties from within constructor (798e4104)
- changed build process to generate TypeScript definition files and more. (f4db5f9e)
- removing core-js dependency (ccb31f76)
- configure:
- remove weakmaps so we can have a polyfill free class (346faf92)
- parse data response as JSON (e2a9a834)
- dependencies:
- updating and fixing out-of-date dependencies (75583c6d)
- updating Aurelia dependencies again and fixing config.js file (b5a33032)
- updating dependencies to beta versions for Aurelia and other dev deps (5dd4eda0)
- package: change JSPM registry format to Github (4e54b748)
- configure: use the Aurelia loader dependency to load configuration files instead of HTTP (2b9a8144)
- Added in new setEnvironments method for dynamic environments
- New is method for checking the current environment
- Better documentation
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- A tonne of bug fixes...
- Get config method now has support for default values
- Cascading configuration support
- Configurable during bootstrap phase
- Improvements to JSON config file loading
- Documentation (methods and usage examples)
This fixes a bug of normalised response data using the Aurelia HTTP Client. Instead of manually parsing, we just use response.content and hope the user has a valid JSON file...
The first stable release. Mostly bug fixes and improvements on existing implementation.
- Singleton state is maintained
- Configuration file is loaded during bootstrap phase of Aurelia and promisified