This project is a comprehensive PyTorch-based training pipeline designed for multiclass and multilabel classification tasks. It is integrated with Weights & Biases (W&B) for streamlined experimentation and monitoring of your machine learning models. Whether you're new to machine learning or an experienced practitioner, this pipeline simplifies the training process and provides flexibility for customizing your experiments.
Easy Setup: You can get started with this training pipeline quickly. Simply follow the installation instructions provided below.
Customizable Architecture: Configure your network architecture by editing the
file in the config folder. You can select an architecture and adjust the number of output features and job types to match your specific classification problem. -
CLIP as zero-shot | fine-tune: Use CLIP models to create zero-shot classifiers and fine-tune in your custom dataset.
Data Configuration: Specify the path to your dataset and the associated CSV files in the
file. These CSV files should contain image paths relative to the dataset path and their corresponding numerical labels. -
Hyperparameter Tuning: Customize training and evaluation hyperparameters in the
file to fine-tune your model's performance. -
W&B Integration: Optionally, configure your Weights & Biases project by editing the
file. This enables you to monitor and visualize your experiments online. -
Training: Train your model using the provided
script. You can specify various training parameters, including the number of epochs, batch size, and more. -
Resume Training: Easily resume training from a previous checkpoint with the
flag. -
Metrics and Evaluation: Track a range of metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and more. Choose the metrics that matter most to you.
Device Agnostic: Train your model on either GPU (
) or CPU (cpu
) by specifying the--device
option. -
Reproducibility: Efforts are made to ensure reproducibility across different runs.
Contributions Welcome: This project is open for contributions. Feel free to contribute to its development.
To get started, follow these steps:
Create a conda environment:
conda create --name torch_pipe pip python==3.10.6 conda activate torch_pipe
Navigate to the project folder and install the required packages:
cd torch_classification pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure your network architecture, data settings, and hyperparameters in the respective YAML files.
csv files
should be in the following format:image path relative to dataset path, numerical label
Multiclass Multilabel image_name label train\class1\img1.png 0 train\class1\img2.png 0 train\class2\img1.png 1 ... ... image_name label_1 label_2 label_3 ... train\class1\img1.png 0 1 0 ... train\class1\img2.png 0 1 1 ... train\class2\img1.png 1 1 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... -
here is an example of dataset folder structure:
├── dataset │ ├── train │ │ ├── class1 │ │ │ ├── image1.png │ │ │ ├── image2.png │ │ │ └── ... │ │ ├── class2 │ │ │ ├── image1.png │ │ │ ├── image2.png │ │ │ └── ... │ │ ... │ ├── val │ │ ├── class1 │ │ │ ├── image1.png │ │ │ ├── image2.png │ │ │ └── ... │ │ ...
Start training your model using the provided script (example):
python --data data --arch architecture --hyps hyps_none
Refer to the parameter descriptions within the script for more details on each option.
Parameter | Description |
--hyps | .yaml hyperparameter filename |
--arch | .yaml architecture filename |
--data | .yaml data filename |
--mode | Training mode, online or offline |
--device | Device to use for training |
--epochs | Number of epochs to train |
--batch_size | Total batch size for all GPUs |
--workers | Max dataloader workers |
--patience | How long to wait after the last time validation metric improved |
--save_weights | Save weights locally |
--logging | Logging level (CRITICAL: 50, ERROR: 40, WARNING: 30, INFO: 20, DEBUG: 10, NOTSET: 0) |
--weight_decay | Optimizer weight decay, leave unchanged if set in the hyps file |
--momentum | Optimizer momentum, leave unchanged if set in the hyps file |
--max_lr | Optimizer max_lr, leave unchanged if set in the hyps file |
--min_lr | Optimizer min_lr, leave unchanged if set in the hyps file |
--fast_mode | If True, does not upload dataset image files when creating the error analysis table |
--resume | Resume last training |
--resume_info | Resume training information |
--top_k | K for top_k precision (e.g., if 2, will use the top 2 confidence classes to compute confusion) |
--num_samples | Number of samples to calculate precision@K |
--balance_weights | Set custom weights for loss calculation based on class imbalance |
--warmup_epochs | Warming up epochs for model fine-tune |
--warmup_lr | Optimizer learning rate for warming up |
--force_clip | Force clip pre-processor (for clip models only) |
Configure your network architecture and class settings (zero_shot_template), in the respective YAML files.
Run the provided script (example)
python zero_shot --clip_path
Parameter | Description |
--clip_path | Pre-trained clip model path |
--name | Model name |
--yaml_path | .yaml templates file path |
--freeze_encoder | Freeze encoder weights (clip) |
--device | Device to use for training |
Work checklist
Project Core Documentation
- Bounding boxes
- Adam
- RMSprop
lr scheduler
- ReduceLROnPlateau
- CosineAnnealingLR
- OneCycleLR
Balance weights
Early stopping
- CrossEntropyLoss
- BCEWithLogitsLoss
- resnet ::
- efficientnet ::
- clip encoder ::
- Confusion Matrix
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall
- F1 score
- Average precision
- Precision@K
- Confusion Matrix
Other metrics
- Precision top k
- Error analysis table
- Offline
- WandB integration
- Save model
- Choose metric for lr scheduler, model performance tracking and early stopping
- Offline
- WandB integration
Resume training
- Offline
- WandB integration
Job type
- Multiclass
- Multilabel
- Offline
- WandB integration
- Metrics curves
- Plot confusion matrix
- Plot metrics bar
Warm up
Device agnostic
This is version 1.0 of the project.