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The project

GraphQL API that performs password validation based on a set of password validation rules chosen by the user.

Main technologies used:

API Dataflow

Data flow diagram of the API

The data flow (shown in the figure above), in a simplified way, is defined as follows: the user makes a query providing a password and a set of password validation rules. The rules chosen by the user will be used to validate the provided password.

The query is received by the resolver, which extracts the data from the query and represents it within the API, and subsequently passes the data on to the input check, the module responsible for validating that the data format is correct. For example, in the case of the rules, they can be an empty list [] (in this scenario, every password will be valid), however, when defined, they must respect the format { rule: <RULE_NAME>, value: <RULE_VALUE> }. As an example, a rule without the <value> field (e.g. { rule: <rule> }) does not respect the expected format, so it is invalid. Another point to consider is the <value> field. This field does not accept negative values by definition. For example, imagine that the chosen rule is that the password must have a minimum number of digits. It doesn't make sense for a password to have a minimum of -1 digits, so negative numbers as rule values are not accepted.

If the input format is not respected, a descriptive error of the problem is informed to the user. If the data is in the correct format, the flow continues and the data is passed on to the module that actually validates the password, the password validator, which checks if the password meets the rules established by the user. The result of this process is sent to the user as a response.

Running API

With Docker

Ensure that the necessary dependencies are installed, these being: Docker and Docker Compose (optional, as it helps in building the image and container, but this action can be done manually).

With Docker Compose installed, go to the root folder of the project and run:

docker-compose up

Wait for the image and container to build. After the process is complete, the API will be available at http://localhost:8080/graphql

Note: If you chose not to use Docker Compose, that's fine. You can still build the container manually with the following commands:

  1. Build image
docker build -t <image-name> .
  1. Build container
docker run -p 8080:8080 <image-name>

In the end, we will also have the API running at http://localhost:8080/graphql

Without docker

Make sure you have Go version 1.19.3 or higher. After that, go to the root folder of the project and install the dependencies with the command:

go mod download

Wait for the dependencies to download and run:

go run server/server.go

After that, the server will be available at http://localhost:8080/graphql

Consuming API


To consume the API, just build a GraphQL query in the format shown below. The query is used to validate a password based on a set of rules.

    rules: [{rule:<RULE_NAME>, value: <RULE_VALUE>}]
  ) {


The query consists of a single field called verify, which takes two arguments: password and rules.

  • password (string): represents the password to be verified.
  • rules (json): contains objects specifying the rules to be applied to the password. Each object has two fields:
    • rule (string): represents the name of the rule.
    • value (int): represents the value of the rule.


To use this query, just substitute the placeholders <PASSWORD>, <RULE_NAME>, and <RULE_VALUE> with the desired values. The format of the rules is described below in Rules.

The returned result is an object with two fields: verify and noMatch.

  • verify (boolean): result of the password validation. True if the password is valid, False if it is invalid.
  • noMatch (list[string]): list of rules that were not satisfied by the password. If the password is valid, this list will be empty.


The rules for validating passwords have the following format:

{rule:<RULE_NAME>, value: <RULE_VALUE>}

rule is a string and represents the name of the rule and value are positive integers.

The table below lists the available rules for password validation.

rule name accepted values description
minSize positive integer (ex: 1,2,3,4...) set a minimum size
minUppercase positive integer sets a minimum amount of capital letters
minLowercase positive integer sets a minimum amount of lowercase letters
minDigit positive integer sets a minimum amount of digits (0-9)
minSpecialChars positive integer sets a minimum amount of special characters (e.g !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), -,+,/,{,},[,])
noRepeted positive integer (this value will be ignored) defines that two or more sequential characters must not be repeated (ex: senha is valid, but seenha is not, because the character e was repeated sequentially

Unit and integration tests

The project is covered by unit and integration tests. To run the tests:

  • On Unix systems: Basta executar o script com o comando:
  • On Windows systems, to run a bash script, some extra programs are needed (such as Cygwin). So, I recommend that you directly run the command contained in the script, so:
go test graphpass graphpass/password graphpass/utils -cover

Project directory structure

├── graph
│   ├── model                   // graphql model
│   │   └── models_gen.go
│   ├── resolver                
│   │   ├── resolver.go
|   |   └── verify.go           // resolver that handle verify query
│   ├── schema
│   |   └── schema.graphqls     // graphql schema
│   └── generated.go            // runtime generated code by gqlgen
├─ password                     // rule based password validator module
│  ├── password_check_test.go
|  └── password_check.go
├─ server
│  └── server.go                // api entrypoint
├─ utils                        // utils to help validate and structure input data
│  ├── map2struct_test.go       
│  └── map2struct.go            
├─ api_integration_test.go      // API integration tests
├─ docker-compose.yml
├─ Dockerfile
├─ go.mod                       // manages the list of application packages
├─ go.sum                       // package integrity
├─ gqlgen.yml                   // gqlgen library configuration file
└─ run_tests.bash               // script that run all tests