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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 5, 2024. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ This Library has been deprecated in favour of the VonageClientLibrary ⚠️


Vonage Verify Silent Authentication uses a mobile phone's Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) to prove a user's identity, without any user input. This SDK enables making a HTTP request over cellular even when on WiFi.


Swift Package Manager

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "")


pod 'VonageClientSDKSilentAuth'


iOS 12+


import VonageClientSDKSilentAuth

let client = VGSilentAuthClient()

client.openWithDataCellular(url: url, debug: true) { response in
    if (response["error"]) != nil {
      // Handle error
    } else {
      let status = resp["http_status"] as! Int
      if (status == 200) {
          // Handle response
      } else {
        // Handle error


  • Success

When the data connectivity has been achieved and a response has been received from the url endpoint

"http_status": string, // HTTP status related to the url
"response_body" : { // optional depending on the HTTP status
           ... // the response body of the opened url
"debug" : {
    "device_info": string, 
    "url_trace" : string
  • Error

When data connectivity is not available and/or an internal SDK error occurred

"error" : string,
"error_description": string,
"debug" : {
    "device_info": string, 
    "url_trace" : string

Potential error codes: sdk_no_data_connectivity, sdk_connection_error, sdk_redirect_error, sdk_error.