This repository is the course material for The Basics of Python for Data Analysts & Scientist from my YouTube channel: Data Viz by Luke.
i. (required) Python & Jupyter Notebook installed
ii. (optional) My playlist on Install and How-To of Python for Data Analysts/Scientists
i. Basic Objects
a. Variables
b. Expressions
c. Functions (Built-in & Imported)
ii. If Statements & Operators
a. If, Elif, Else
b. Comparison/Logical/Other Operators
iii. Loops - For & While
a. For - range()
b. While
c. Loop Control Statements
v. List, Dict Comprehension
iv. Functions & Lambda Functions
v. Classes & Importing Functions/Classes
vi. Comprehensive Practice Problems Analyzing 'The Office' Script dataset
i. scripts_the_office.csv - Provides the lines for each character for all episodes
ii. episodes_the_office.csv - Provides details about the episode