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David edited this page Jul 21, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Apokto wiki! The is just a single page wiki as there is not much to go over, so I will show how to use Apokto. This was made in respect to commit 77 on Jul 20, 2022. If you are reading this and there are more commits than this, this wiki may be outdated, most likely not, but please keep that in mind.

Adding the Repo

First you will want a device that has Cydia on it so you can use the lists in the first place. Then you will want an internet connection (duh). Then you will want to go to and add the repo to your package manager. You don't have to use the website to do this, but it makes it easy. If you are manually adding the repo, just add it as you normally would "".

You should now see the Apokto Repo in any of your package managers. (I switched to my older iPhone cause my 12 Pro isn't jailbroken, yet!):

Along with all the current lists available. You may choose one of these, but unless it was shared to you, and you know what repos are in the list. It is easier to just build your own, which we will go over shortly.

Creating your own list

You see all of these lists, and you want to make your own. Perfect! Open your web browser and navigate to and choose "build your repo".

Here you can search, select and choose all of the repos you want to add to your list. Apokto stores over 500 repos for you to choose from. From there you simply need to push submit and let the magic begin.

You will get your List ID which is a 10 character string. From there you can download (do this first just in case) or add your custom repo list to the Apokto repo. It will be available in the repo (make sure to refresh your sources to make sure the repo is updated) under your assinged List ID which was given to you in all the steps. If you want to come back to the repo later and use that same list, make sure you remember that List ID. You may also choose to download the deb file onto your device, which you can then install in Filza or in the terminal.

Overall it is a pretty simple process but for a lot of people it will come in handy with all these new jailbreaks happening.

Thank you for reading. If you need any help, you may make an issue here or join my Discord server for help.

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