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John Iwasz edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 1 revision


Used by the CanFullfillResponseAttributes to tell Alexa whether the intent is supported by the Alexa skill.

public enum Whetstone.Alexa.CanFulfill.CanFulfillEnum
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Yes Use if your skill understands all slots, can fulfill all slots, and can fulfill the request in its entirety.
1 No Use if your skill cannot understand the intent, and/or cannot understand any of the slots, and/or cannot fulfill any of the slots.
2 Maybe Use if your skill can understand the intent, can partially or fully understand the slots, and can partially or fully fulfill the slots.


public class Whetstone.Alexa.CanFulfill.CanFulfillResponseAttributes


Type Name Summary
CanFulfillEnum CanFulfill Must be set to string "YES" or "NO"
List<CanFulfillSlotResponse> Slots


public class Whetstone.Alexa.CanFulfill.CanFulfillSlotResponse


Type Name Summary
CanFulfillEnum CanFulfill Serializes to "YES", "NO" or "MAYBE"
CanFulfillEnum CanUnderstand Serializes to "YES", "NO" or "MAYBE"
String Name