Krzysztof Pierczyk, Wojciech Rokicki
Currently implemented python-HTTPServer can be run without installing any non-standard libraries. Server runs at the socket (where PORT can be set in the /config/python_server.conf file) and can be reached via web browser.
GET requests - requesting page to load - response with proper html
POST requests - sending data to server (without response):
//Cities form data
var headerName = "Content-type";
var headerValue = "creator/cities";
var sendString = json_form_data;
//Transports form data
var headerName = "Content-type";
var headerValue = "creator/transports";
var sendString = json_form_data;
//Map parameters form data
var headerName = "Content-type";
var headerValue = "creator/map-params";
var sendString = json_form_data;
//Simulation transition, all forms acceptance confirmation
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "creator-success";
GET requests - requesting page to load - response with proper html
POST request - constantly querying for snapshot - response with snapshot:
//Simulation snapshot request
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-snapshot-request";
POST requests - sending information about request - buttons state reflection (without response):
//Simulation pause
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-stop";
//Simulation play
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-play";
//Simulation forward
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-forward";
//Simulation backward
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-backward";
//Simulation fast forward
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-fast-forward";
//Simulation fast backward
var headerName = "Information";
var headerValue = "simulation-fast-backward";
POST requests - sending information about modifications (without response):
//Simulation modifications
var headerName = "Content-type";
var headerValue = "simulation-modifications";
var sendString = json_data;