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Awesome Literature on Imbalanced Learning on Graphs (ILoGs)

This repository showcases a curated collection of research literature on imbalanced learning on graphs. We have categorized this literature according to the taxonomies of Problems and Techniques detailed in our survey paper, titled A Survey of Imbalanced Learning on Graphs: Problems, Techniques, and Future Directions. In this repository, we primarily arrange the literature based on our Problem taxonomy for clarity. For a deeper understanding of this rapidly evolving and challenging field, we encourage readers to consult our survey.

For our taxonomy of Problems, we classify the literature based on class imbalance and structure imbalance, both stemming from imbalanced input. We further distill this into more specific categories: node-, edge-, and graph-level imbalance, offering a comprehensive understanding of graph imbalance.

For an overview of imbalanced learning on various data, please refer to Github Repository Awesome-Imbalanced-Learning.

Our Survey Paper

A Survey of Imbalanced Learning on Graphs: Problems, Techniques, and Future Directions
Zemin Liu, Yuan Li, Nan Chen, Qian Wang, Bryan Hooi, Bingsheng He.

We provide the BibTeX formatted citation for our survey paper as follows. If you find our work helpful, we greatly appreciate your citation of our paper.

    title={A Survey of Imbalanced Learning on Graphs: Problems, Techniques, and Future Directions},
    author={Liu, Zemin and Li, Yuan and Chen, Nan and Wang, Qian and Hooi, Bryan and He, Bingsheng},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13821},


The outline corresponds to the taxonomy of Problems in our survey paper.


1. Class Imbalance

1.1 Node-Level Class Imbalance

1.1.1 Imbalanced Node CLassification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
DR-GCN Multi-Class Imbalanced Graph Convolutional Network Learning IJCAI 2020 PDF TensorFlow
DPGNN Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network for Imbalanced Node Classification arXiv 2021 PDF PyTorch
GraphSMOTE GraphSMOTE: Imbalanced Node Classification on Graphs with Graph Neural Networks WSDM 2021 PDF PyTorch
ImGAGN ImGAGN: Imbalanced Network Embedding via Generative Adversarial Graph Networks KDD 2021 PDF PyTorch
TAM TAM: Topology-Aware Margin Loss for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification ICML 2022 PDF PyTorch
LTE4G LTE4G: Long-Tail Experts for Graph Neural Networks CIKM 2022 PDF PyTorch
GraphMixup GraphMixup: Improving Class-Imbalanced Node Classification on Graphs by Self-supervised Context Prediction ECML-PKDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
GraphENS GraphENS: Neighbor-Aware Ego Network Synthesis for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification ICLR 2022 PDF PyTorch
ALLIE ALLIE: Active Learning on Large-scale Imbalanced Graphs WWW 2022 PDF [N/A]
GraphSANN Imbalanced Node Classification Beyond Homophilic Assumption IJCAI 2023 PDF [N/A]
GraphSR GraphSR: a data augmentation algorithm for imbalanced node classification AAAI 2023 PDF PyTorch
ImGCL ImGCL: Revisiting Graph Contrastive Learning on Imbalanced Node Classification AAAI 2023 PDF [N/A]
SNS Semantic-aware Node Synthesis for Imbalanced Heterogeneous Information Networks CIKM 2023 PDF PyTorch
GraphSANN Imbalanced Node Classification Beyond Homophilic Assumption IJCAI 2023 PDF [N/A]
ReVar Rethinking Semi-Supervised Imbalanced Node Classification from Bias-Variance Decomposition NeurIPS 2023 PDF PyTorch
BNE Balanced neighbor exploration for semi-supervised node classification on imbalanced graph data Information Sciences 2023 PDF [N/A]
INS-GNN INS-GNN: Improving graph imbalance learning with self-supervision Information Sciences 2023 PDF [N/A]
GraphSHA GraphSHA: Synthesizing Harder Samples for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch
GNN-CL Graph Neural Network with Curriculum Learning for Imbalanced Node Classification Neurocomputing 2024 PDF [N/A]
Graph-DAO A novel graph oversampling framework for node classification in class-imbalanced graphs SCIS 2024 PDF [N/A]

1.1.2 Node-Level Anomaly Detection

Name Title Venue Paper Code
Amplay Node re-ordering as a means of anomaly detection in time-evolving graphs ECML PKDD 2016 PDF [N/A]
An embedding approach to anomaly detection ICDE 2016 PDF C++
PFrauDetector PFrauDetector: A Parallelized Graph Mining Approach for Efficient Fraudulent Phone Call Detection ICPADS 2016 PDF [N/A]
HitFraud HitFraud: A Broad Learning Approach for Collective Fraud Detection in Heterogeneous Information Networks ICDM 2017 PDF [N/A]
FRAUDAR Graph-based fraud detection in the face of camouflage TKDD 2017 PDF NumPy
HiDDen Hidden: hierarchical dense subgraph detection with application to financial fraud detection SDM 2017 PDF MATLAB
ALAD Accelerated Local Anomaly Detection via Resolving Attributed Networks IJCAI 2017 PDF NumPy
GANG GANG: Detecting fraudulent users in online social networks via guilt-by-association on directed graphs ICDM 2017 PDF NumPy (Non-official)
MTHL Anomaly detection in dynamic networks using multi-view time-series hypersphere learning CIKM 2017 PDF NumPy
Spectrum-based deep neural networks for fraud detection CIKM 2017 PDF [N/A]
Radar Radar: Residual Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks IJCAI 2017 PDF PyTorch
HoloScope HoloScope: Topology-and-Spike Aware Fraud Detection CIKM 2017 PDF NumPy
HoloScope A contrast metric for fraud detection in rich graphs TKDE 2018 PDF NumPy
SEANO Semi-supervised embedding in attributed networks with outliers SDM 2018 PDF TensorFlow
Metagraph2vec Gotcha-sly malware! scorpion a metagraph2vec based malware detection system KDD 2018 PDF [N/A]
PAICAN Bayesian robust attributed graph clustering: Joint learning of partial anomalies and group structure AAAI 2018 PDF TensorFlow
Netwalk NetWalk: A Flexible Deep Embedding Approach for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks KDD 2018 PDF TensorFlow
DeepSphere Deep into Hypersphere: Robust and Unsupervised Anomaly Discovery in Dynamic Networks IJCAI 2018 PDF TensorFlow
NHAD NHAD: Neuro-Fuzzy Based Horizontal Anomaly Detection In Online Social Networks TKDE 2018 PDF [N/A]
Designing Size Consistent Statistics for Accurate Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks TKDD 2018 PDF [N/A]
SPARC SPARC: Self-Paced Network Representation for Few-Shot Rare Category Characterization KDD 2018 PDF Theano
ANOMALOUS ANOMALOUS: A Joint Modeling Approach for Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks IJCAI 2018 PDF MATLAB
FFD Mining fraudsters and fraudulent strategies in large-scale mobile social networks TKDE 2019 PDF [N/A]
GraphUCB Interactive anomaly detection on attributed networks WSDM 2019 PDF NumPy
Dominant Deep anomaly detection on attributed networks SDM 2019 PDF PyTorch
AnomRank Fast and accurate anomaly detection in dynamic graphs with a two-pronged approach KDD 2019 PDF C++
ONE Outlier aware network embedding for attributed networks AAAI 2019 PDF NetworkX
SpecAE SpecAE: Spectral AutoEncoder for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks CIKM 2019 PDF [N/A]
QANet QANet: Tensor Decomposition Approach for Query-Based Anomaly Detection in Heterogeneous Information Networks TKDE 2019 PDF [N/A]
MADAN Multi-scale anomaly detection on attributed networks AAAI 2020 PDF NetworkX
ALARM A Deep Multi-View Framework for Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks TKDE 2020 PDF PyTorch (Non-official)
MIDAS Midas: Microcluster-based detector of anomalies in edge streams AAAI 2020 PDF C++
GraphRfi Gcn-based user representation learning for unifying robust recommendation and fraudster detection SIGIR 2020 PDF PyTorch
BEA Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Bipartite Graph with Burstiness ICDM 2020 PDF [N/A]
MixedAD Mixedad: a scalable algorithm for detecting mixed anomalies in attributed graphs AAAI 2020 PDF [N/A]
STAGN Graph neural network for fraud detection via spatial-temporal attention TKDE 2020 PDF PyTorch
GAL Error-bounded graph anomaly loss for GNNs CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
GAAN Generative Adversarial Attributed Network Anomaly Detection CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
DMGD Integrating Network Embedding and Community Outlier Detection via Multiclass Graph Description ECAI 2020 PDF TensorFlow
CARE-GNN Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
GraphConsis Alleviating the Inconsistency Problem of Applying Graph Neural Network to Fraud Detection SIGIR 2020 PDF TensorFlow
COSIN Fraud Detection in Dynamic Interaction Network TKDE 2020 PDF [N/A]
HMGNN Heterogeneous Mini-Graph Neural Network and Its Application to Fraud Invitation Detection ICDM 2020 PDF TensorFlow
C-FATH Modeling Heterogeneous Graph Network on Fraud Detection: A Community-based Framework with Attention Mechanism CIKM 2021 PDF [N/A]
A Graph Regularized Autoencoder and its Application in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection TPAMI 2021 PDF [N/A]
DCI Decoupling Representation Learning and Classification for GNN-based Anomaly Detection SIGIR 2021 PDF PyTorch
IHGAT Intention-aware Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Fraud Transactions Detection KDD 2021 PDF [N/A]
AAGNN Subtractive Aggregation for Attributed Network Anomaly Detection CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch
ANEMONE ANEMONE: Graph Anomaly Detection with Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch
TDA Topological anomaly detection in dynamic multilayer blockchain networks ECML PKDD 2021 PDF R
SkewA Graph Fraud Detection Based on Accessibility Score Distributions ECML PKDD 2021 PDF C++
BiDyn Bipartite Dynamic Representations for Abuse Detection KDD 2021 PDF PyTorch
GRC Towards Consumer Loan Fraud Detection: Graph Neural Networks with Role-Constrained Conditional Random Field AAAI 2021 PDF [N/A]
Signature-Based Anomaly Detection in Networks SDM 2021 PDF [N/A]
CO-GCN Graph Neural Network to Dilute Outliers for Refactoring Monolith Application AAAI 2021 PDF PyTorch
PAMFUL A Synergistic Approach for Graph Anomaly Detection With Pattern Mining and Feature Learning TNNLS 2021 PDF PyTorch
COMMANDER Cross-Domain Graph Anomaly Detection TNNLS 2021 PDF [N/A]
GDN Graph Neural Network-Based Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series AAAI 2021 PDF PyTorch
PC-GNN Pick and choose: a GNN-based imbalanced learning approach for fraud detection WWW 2021 PDF PyTorch
GDN Few-shot network anomaly detection via cross-network meta-learning WWW 2021 PDF PyTorch
CoLA Anomaly detection on attributed networks via contrastive self-supervised learning TNNLS 2021 PDF PyTorch
AEGIS Inductive Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks IJCAI 2021 PDF [N/A]
Turbo Turbo: Fraud Detection in Deposit-free Leasing Service via Real-Time Behavior Network Mining ICDE 2021 PDF [N/A]
MetaHG Distilling Meta Knowledge on Heterogeneous Graph for Illicit Drug Trafficker Detection on Social Media NeurIPS 2021 PDF PyTorch
EnsemFDet EnsemFDet: An Ensemble Approach to Fraud Detection based on Bipartite Graph ICDE 2021 PDF [N/A]
FRAUDRE FRAUDRE: Fraud Detection Dual-Resistant to Graph Inconsistency and Imbalance ICDM 2021 PDF PyTorch
ELAND Action Sequence Augmentation for Early Graph-based Anomaly Detection CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch
DeFraudNet DeFraudNet: An End-to-End Weak Supervision Framework to Detect Fraud in Online Food Delivery ECML PKDD 2021 PDF [N/A]
DIGNN The Devil is in the Conflict: Disentangled Information Graph Neural Networks for Fraud Detection ICDM 2022 PDF [N/A]
STGAN Graph Convolutional Adversarial Networks for Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection TNNLS 2022 PDF PyTorch
DAGAD DAGAD: Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection ICDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
NGS Explainable Graph-based Fraud Detection via Neural Meta-graph Search CIKM 2022 PDF [N/A]
BRIGHT BRIGHT-Graph Neural Networks in Real-time Fraud Detection CIKM 2022 PDF [N/A]
Hetero-SCAN Meta-Path-based Fake News Detection Leveraging Multi-level Social Context Information CIKM 2022 PDF [N/A]
DynAnom Subset Node Anomaly Tracking over Large Dynamic Graphs KDD 2022 PDF NetworkX
H2-FDetector H2-FDetector: A GNN-based Fraud Detector with Homophilic and Heterophilic Connections WWW 2022 PDF PyTorch
AO-GNN AUC-oriented Graph Neural Network for Fraud Detection WWW 2022 PDF [N/A]
ComGA ComGA: Community-Aware Attributed Graph Anomaly Detection WSDM 2022 PDF TensorFlow
Sub-CR Reconstruction Enhanced Multi-View Contrastive Learning for Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks IJCAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
LUNAR LUNAR: Unifying Local Outlier Detection Methods via Graph Neural Networks AAAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
DVGCRN Deep Variational Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection ICML 2022 PDF PyTorch
MAD-SGCN MAD-SGCN: Multivariate Anomaly Detection with Self-learning Graph Convolutional Networks ICDE 2022 PDF [N/A]
MHGL Unseen Anomaly Detection on Networks via Multi-Hypersphere Learning SDM 2022 PDF [N/A]
HCM Hop-Count Based Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks ECML PKDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
BWGNN Rethinking Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection ICML 2022 PDF PyTorch
BLS Bi-Level Selection via Meta Gradient for Graph-Based Fraud Detection DASFAA 2022 PDF [N/A]
GraphAD GraphAD: A Graph Neural Network for Entity-Wise Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection SIGIR 2022 PDF [N/A]
GAGA Label Information Enhanced Fraud Detection against Low Homophily in Graphs WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch
GHRN Addressing Heterophily in Graph Anomaly Detection: A Perspective of Graph Spectrum WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch
GDN Alleviating Structural Distribution Shift in Graph Anomaly Detection WSDM 2023 PDF PyTorch
CODEtect Detecting Anomalous Graphs in Labeled Multi-Graph Databases TKDD 2023 PDF [N/A]
GCAD Subgraph Centralization: A Necessary Step for Graph Anomaly Detection SDM 2023 PDF NumPy
SAD SAD: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Graphs IJCAI 2023 PDF NumPy
VGOD Unsupervised Graph Outlier Detection: Problem Revisit, New Insight, and Superior Method ICDE 2023 PDF PyTorch
GRADATE Graph anomaly detection via multi-scale contrastive learning networks with augmented view AAAI 2023 PDF PyTorch
CLAD Class Label-aware Graph Anomaly Detection CIKM 2023 PDF PyTorch
SplitGNN SplitGNN: Spectral Graph Neural Network for Fraud Detection against Heterophily CIKM 2023 PDF Pytorch
TSAGMM Unsupervised Fraud Transaction Detection on Dynamic Attributed Networks DASFAA 2023 PDF [N/A]
Example-based explanations for streaming fraud detection on graphs Information Sciences 2023 PDF [N/A]
GDAE Learning graph deep autoencoder for anomaly detection in multi-attributed networks KBS 2023 PDF [N/A]
RegraphGAN RegraphGAN: A graph generative adversarial network model for dynamic network anomaly detection Neural Networks 2023 PDF [N/A]
PANG Pattern mining for anomaly detection in graphs: Application to fraud in public procurement RCMLPKDD 2023 PDF Scikit-Learn
LGM-GNN LGM-GNN: A local and global aware memory-based graph neural network for fraud detection TBD 2023 PDF [N/A]
CFAD Counterfactual graph learning for anomaly detection on attributed networks TKDE 2023 PDF PyTorch
ARISE ARISE: Graph Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks via Substructure Awareness TNNLS 2023 PDF PyTorch
SAMCL SAMCL: Subgraph-Aligned Multiview Contrastive Learning for Graph Anomaly Detection TNNLS 2023 PDF [N/A]
AER-AD Anonymous Edge Representation for Inductive Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Bipartite Graph VLDB 2023 PDF PyTorch
GDN Alleviating Structural Distribution Shift in Graph Anomaly Detection WSDM 2023 PDF PyTorch
GHRN Addressing Heterophily in Graph Anomaly Detection: A Perspective of Graph Spectrum WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch
IMINF Fraud detection on multi-relation graphs via imbalanced and interactive learning Information Sciences 2023 PDF [N/A]
ADA-GAD ADA-GAD: Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly Detection AAAI 2024 PDF PyTorch
BSL Barely Supervised Learning for Graph-Based Fraud Detection AAAI 2024 PDF [N/A]
ACT Cross-Domain Graph Anomaly Detection via Anomaly-Aware Contrastive Alignment AAAI 2024 PDF PyTorch
SEC-GFD Revisiting Graph-Based Fraud Detection in Sight of Heterophily and Spectrum AAAI 2024 Code
PB-AAD Improving Robustness of GNN-based Anomaly Detection by Graph Adversarial Training COLING 2024 PDF [N/A]
SPGNN Subgraph Patterns Enhanced Graph Neural Network for Fraud Detection DASFAA 2024 PDF [N/A]
F2GNN F2GNN: An Adaptive Filter with Feature Segmentation for Graph-Based Fraud Detection ICASSP 2024 PDF [N/A]
BOURNE BOURNE: Bootstrapped Self-supervised Learning Framework for Unified Graph Anomaly Detection ICDE 2024 PDF [N/A]
DualGAD DualGAD: Dual-bootstrapped self-supervised learning for graph anomaly detection Information Sciences 2024 PDF [N/A]
SEFraud SEFraud: Graph-based Self-Explainable Fraud Detection via Interpretative Mask Learning KDD 2024 PDF [N/A]
HGIF Heterophilic Graph Invariant Learning for Out-of-Distribution of Fraud Detection MM 2024 PDF PyTorch
GFCN Graph fairing convolutional networks for anomaly detection PR 2024 PDF PyTorch
MPIN Multipattern Integrated Networks With Contrastive Pretraining for Graph Anomaly Detection TCSS 2024 PDF [N/A]
Spade+ Spade+: A Generic Real-Time Fraud Detection Framework on Dynamic Graphs TKDE 2024 PDF [N/A]
FedCAD Federated Graph Anomaly Detection via Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning TNNLS 2024 PDF [N/A]
GAD-NR GAD-NR: Graph Anomaly Detection via Neighborhood Reconstruction WSDM 2024 PDF PyTorch
BioGNN Graph Anomaly Detection with Bi-level Optimization WWW 2024 PDF [N/A]

1.1.3 Few-Shot Node Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
Meta-GNN Meta-GNN: On Few-shot Node Classification in Graph Meta-learning CIKM 2019 PDF PyTorch
AMM-GNN Graph Few-shot Learning with Attribute Matching CIKM 2020 PDF [N/A]
GFL Graph Few-shot Learning via Knowledge Transfer AAAI 2020 PDF PyTorch
GPN Graph Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning on Attributed Networks CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
G-Meta Graph Meta Learning via Local Subgraphs NeurIPS 2020 PDF PyTorch
MetaTNE Node Classification on Graphs with Few-Shot Novel Labels via Meta Transformed Network Embedding NeurIPS 2020 PDF PyTorch
RALE Relative and Absolute Location Embedding for Few-Shot Node Classification on Graph AAAI 2021 PDF TensorFlow
MuL-GRN MuL-GRN: Multi-Level Graph Relation Network for Few-Shot Node Classification TKDE 2022 PDF [N/A]
ST-GFSL Spatio-Temporal Graph Few-Shot Learning with Cross-City Knowledge Transfer KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
TENT Task-Adaptive Few-shot Node Classification KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
Meta-GPS Few-shot Node Classification on Attributed Networks with Graph Meta-learning SIGIR 2022 PDF [N/A]
IA-FSNC Information Augmentation for Few-shot Node Classification IJCAI 2022 PDF [N/A]
SGCL Supervised Graph Contrastive Learning for Few-shot Node Classification ECML-PKDD 2022 PDF [N/A]
TLP Transductive Linear Probing: A Novel Framework for Few-Shot Node Classification LoG 2022 PDF PyTorch
Stager Generalized Few-Shot Node Classification ICDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
HAG-Meta Graph Few-shot Class-incremental Learning WSDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
Geometer Geometer: Graph Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Prototype Representation KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
CrossHG-Meta Few-shot Heterogeneous Graph Learning via Cross-domain Knowledge Transfer KDD 2022 PDF [N/A]
HG-Meta HG-Meta: Graph Meta-learning over Heterogeneous Graphs SDM 2022 PDF [N/A]
TRGM Task-level Relations Modelling for Graph Meta-learning ICDM 2022 PDF [N/A]
X-FNC Few-shot Node Classification with Extremely Weak Supervision WSDM 2023 PDF PyTorch
GraphPrompt GraphPrompt: Unifying Pre-Training and Downstream Tasks for Graph Neural Networks WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch
Pseudo-Labeling with Graph Active Learning for Few-shot Node Classification ICDM 2023 PDF [N/A]
COSMIC Contrastive Meta-Learning for Few-shot Node Classification KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch
TEG Task-Equivariant Graph Few-shot Learning KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch
VNT Virtual Node Tuning for Few-shot Node Classification KDD 2023 PDF [N/A]
Stager Generalized few-shot node classification: toward an uncertainty-based solution KIS 2023 PDF [N/A]
Meta-GIN Robust Graph Meta-learning for Weakly-supervised Few-shot Node Classification TKDD 2024 PDF [N/A]
COLA Graph Contrastive Learning Meets Graph Meta Learning: A Unified Method for Few-shot Node Tasks WWW 2024 PDF PyTorch

1.1.4 Zero-Shot Node Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
RSDNE RSDNE: Exploring Relaxed Similarity and Dissimilarity from Completely-Imbalanced Labels for Network Embedding AAAI 2018 PDF MATLAB
RECT Network Embedding with Completely-imbalanced Labels TKDE 2020 PDF PyTorch
RECT Expanding Semantic Knowledge for Zero-shot Graph Embedding DASFAA 2021 PDF [N/A]
DGPN Zero-shot Node Classification with Decomposed Graph Prototype Network KDD 2021 PDF PyTorch
DBiGCN Dual Bidirectional Graph Convolutional Networks for Zero-shot Node Classification KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
MVE Multi-view enhanced zero-shot node classification IPM 2023 PDF [N/A]
GraphCEN Zero-shot Node Classification with Graph Contrastive Embedding Network TMLR 2023 PDF [N/A]

1.2 Edge-Level Class Imbalance

1.2.1 Few-Shot Link Prediction

Name Title Venue Paper Code
EA-GAT Few-Shot Link Prediction for Event-Based Social Networks via Meta-learning DASFAA 2023 PDF [N/A]
EA-GAT Few-Shot Link Prediction for Event-Based Social Networks via Meta-learning DASFAA 2023 PDF PyTorch
MLAN Meta-learning adaptation network for few-shot link prediction in heterogeneous social networks IPM 2023 PDF [N/A]

1.2.2 Edge-Level Anomaly Detection

Name Title Venue Paper Code
AddGraph AddGraph: Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graph Using Attention-based Temporal GCN IJCAI 2019 PDF PyTorch
NEDM A Nodes' Evolution Diversity Inspired Method to Detect Anomalies in Dynamic Social Networks TKDE 2019 PDF [N/A]
Anomaly detection in the dynamics of web and social networks using associative memory WWW 2019 PDF [N/A]
AANE AANE: Anomaly Aware Network Embedding for Anomalous Link Detection ICDM 2020 PDF [N/A]
StrGNN Structural Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch
F-FADE F-FADE: Frequency Factorization for Anomaly Detection in Edge Streams WSDM 2021 PDF PyTorch
LIFE Live-Streaming Fraud Detection: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Approach KDD 2021 PDF [N/A]
GLAD Deep Graph Learning for Anomalous Citation Detection TNNLS 2022 PDF [N/A]
AnoGraph Sketch-Based Anomaly Detection in Streaming Graphs KDD 2023 PDF C++

1.2.3 Imbalanced Link Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
RIWS A Linkage-based Doubly Imbalanced Graph Learning Framework for Face Clustering SDM 2023 PDF PyTorch

1.3 Graph-Level Class Imbalance

1.3.1 Imbalanced Graph Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
$\text{G}^2\text{GNN}$ Imbalanced Graph Classification via Graph-of-Graph Neural Networks CIKM 2022 PDF PyTorch
SGIR Semi-Supervised Graph Imbalanced Regression KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch

1.3.2 Graph-Level Anomaly Detection

Name Title Venue Paper Code
STREAMSPOT Fast Memory-efficient Anomaly Detection in Streaming Heterogeneous Graphs KDD 2016 PDF Python
Graph-TPP Query-Driven Discovery of Anomalous Subgraphs in Attributed Graphs IJCAI 2017 PDF [N/A]
AMEN Discovering Communities and Anomalies in Attributed Graphs: Interactive Visual Exploration and Summarization TKDD 2018 PDF [N/A]
Concept Drift and Anomaly Detection in Graph Streams TNNLS 2018 PDF [N/A]
Query-map Uncovering specific-shape graph anomalies in attributed graphs AAAI 2019 PDF [N/A]
ASD-FT Anomaly Subgraph Detection with Feature Transfer CIKM 2020 PDF [N/A]
MTAD-GAT Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Network ICDM 2020 PDF TensorFlow
GraphAnoGAN GraphAnoGAN: Detecting Anomalous Snapshots from Attributed Graphs PKDD 2021 PDF TensorFlow
GLocalKD Deep Graph-level Anomaly Detection by Glocal Knowledge Distillation WSDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
OCGTL Raising the Bar in Graph-level Anomaly Detection IJCAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
AS-GA Unsupervised Deep Subgraph Anomaly Detection CIKM 2022 PDF PyTorch
AntiBenford AntiBenford Subgraphs: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Financial Networks KDD 2022 PDF Python
CNSS Calibrated Nonparametric Scan Statistics for Anomalous Pattern Detection in Graphs AAAI 2022 PDF [N/A]
ACGPMiner Efficient Anomaly Detection in Property Graphs DASFAA 2023 PDF [N/A]
GmapAD Towards Graph-level Anomaly Detection via Deep Evolutionary Mapping KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch
SIGNET Towards Self-Interpretable Graph-Level Anomaly Detection NeurIPS 2023 PDF Pytorch
IGAD-CF Imbalanced Graph-Level Anomaly Detection via Counterfactual Augmentation and Feature Learning SSDBM 2024 PDF PyTorch

1.3.3 Few-Shot Graph Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
AS-MAML Adaptive-Step Graph Meta-Learner for Few-Shot Graph Classification CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
Few-Shot Learning on Graphs via Super-Classes based on Graph Spectral Measures ICLR 2020 PDF PyTorch
PAR Property-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction NeurIPS 2021 PDF PyTorch
Meta-MGNN Few-Shot Graph Learning for Molecular Property Prediction WWW 2021 PDF PyTorch
FAITH FAITH: Few-Shot Graph Classification with Hierarchical Task Graphs IJCAI-ECAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
Metric Based Few-Shot Graph Classification LoG 2022 PDF PyTorch
Cross-Domain Few-Shot Graph Classification AAAI 2022 PDF [N/A]
Temp-GFSM Meta-Learned Metrics over Multi-Evolution Temporal Graphs KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
Graph Neural Network Expressivity and Meta-Learning for Molecular Property Regression LoG 2022 PDF [N/A]
ADKF-IFT Meta-learning Adaptive Deep Kernel Gaussian Processes for Molecular Property Prediction ICLR 2023 PDF PyTorch
MTA Meta-Learning with Motif-based Task Augmentation for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction SDM 2023 PDF [N/A]
CDTC Cross-Domain Few-Shot Graph Classification with a Reinforced Task Coordinator AAAI 2023 PDF PyTorch

2. Structure Imbalance

2.1 Node-Level Structure Imbalance

2.1.1 Imbalanced Node Degrees

Name Title Venue Paper Code
Demo-Net DEMO-Net: Degree-specific Graph Neural Networks for Node and Graph Classification KDD 2019 PDF TensorFlow
SL-DSGCN Investigating and Mitigating Degree-Related Biases in Graph Convolutional Networks CIKM 2020 PDF [N/A]
DHGAT A Dual Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network to Improve Long-Tail Performance for Shop Search in E-Commerce KDD 2020 PDF [N/A]
meta-tail2vec Towards Locality-Aware Meta-Learning of Tail Node Embeddings on Networks CIKM 2020 PDF TensorFlow
Tail-GNN Tail-GNN: Tail-Node Graph Neural Networks KDD 2021 PDF PyTorch
Pre-Training Graph Neural Networks for Cold-Start Users and Items Representation WSDM 2021 PDF TensorFlow
Residual2Vec Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding with random graphs NeurIPS 2021 PDF PyTorch
CenGCN CenGCN: Centralized Convolutional Networks with Vertex Imbalance for Scale-Free Graphs TKDE 2022 PDF [N/A]
MetaDyGNN Few-shot Link Prediction in Dynamic Networks WSDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
Cold Brew Cold Brew: Distilling Graph Node Representations with Incomplete or Missing Neighborhoods ICLR 2022 PDF PyTorch
BLADE BLADE: Biased Neighborhood Sampling based Graph Neural Network for Directed Graphs WSDM 2023 PDF [N/A]
SAILOR SAILOR: Structural Augmentation Based Tail Node Representation Learning KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch

2.1.2 Node Topology Imbalance

Name Title Venue Paper Code
ReNode Topology-Imbalance Learning for Semi-Supervised Node Classification NeurIPS 2021 PDF PyTorch
PASTEL Position-aware Structure Learning for Graph Topology-imbalance by Relieving Under-reaching and Over-squashing CIKM 2022 PDF PyTorch
HyperIMBA Hyperbolic Geometric Graph Representation Learning for Hierarchy-imbalance Node Classification WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch
QTIAH-GNN QTIAH-GNN: Quantity and Topology Imbalance-aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Bankruptcy Prediction KDD 2023 PDF PyTorch

2.1.3 Long-Tail Entity Embedding on KGs

Name Title Venue Paper Code
GEN Learning to Extrapolate Knowledge: Transductive Few-shot Out-of-Graph Link Prediction NeurIPS 2020 PDF PyTorch
DAT Degree-Aware Alignment for Entities in Tail SIGIR 2020 PDF PyTorch
OKELE Open Knowledge Enrichment for Long-tail Entities WWW 2020 PDF TensorFlow
MaKEr Meta-Learning Based Knowledge Extrapolation for Knowledge Graphs in the Federated Setting IJCAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
MorsE Meta-Knowledge Transfer for Inductive Knowledge Graph Embedding SIGIR 2022 PDF PyTorch
MTKGE Meta-Learning Based Knowledge Extrapolation for Temporal Knowledge Graph WWW 2023 PDF [N/A]
KG-Mixup Toward Degree Bias in Embedding-Based Knowledge Graph Completion WWW 2023 PDF PyTorch

2.2 Edge-Level Structure Imbalance

2.2.1 Few-Shot Relation Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
Gmatching One-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs EMNLP 2018 PDF PyTorch
Proto-HATT Hybrid Attention-Based Prototypical Networks for Noisy Few-Shot Relation Classification AAAI 2019 PDF PyTorch
MetaR Meta Relational Learning for Few-Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs EMNLP 2019 PDF PyTorch
Tackling Long-Tailed Relations and Uncommon Entities in Knowledge Graph Completion EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 PDF PyTorch
FSRL Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion AAAI 2020 PDF PyTorch
FAAN Adaptive Attentional Network for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion EMNLP 2020 PDF PyTorch
Mick MICK: A Meta-Learning Framework for Few-shot Relation Classification with Small Training Data CIKM 2020 PDF PyTorch
Neural Snowball Neural Snowball for Few-Shot Relation Learning AAAI 2020 PDF PyTorch
REFORM REFORM: Error-Aware Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch
P-INT P-INT: A Path-based Interaction Model for Few-shot Knowledge Graph Completion EMNLP 2021 PDF PyTorch
MetaP MetaP: Meta Pattern Learning for One-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion SIGIR 2021 PDF PyTorch
MTransH Relational Learning with Gated and Attentive Neighbor Aggregator for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion SIGIR 2021 PDF PyTorch
KEFDA Knowledge-Enhanced Domain Adaptation in Few-Shot Relation Classification KDD 2021 PDF PyTorch
IAN Multi-view Interaction Learning for Few-Shot Relation Classification CIKM 2021 PDF [N/A]
HMNet HMNet: Hybrid Matching Network for Few-Shot Link Prediction DASFAA 2021 PDF [N/A]
APN-LW-JRL Adaptive Prototypical Networks with Label Words and Joint Representation Learning for Few-Shot Relation Classification TNNLS 2021 PDF [N/A]
GMUC Gaussian Metric Learning for Few-Shot Uncertain Knowledge Graph Completion DASFAA 2021 PDF PyTorch
FAEA Function-words Enhanced Attention Networks for Few-Shot Inverse Relation Classification IJCAI 2022 PDF PyTorch
MULTIFORM MULTIFORM: Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion via Multi-modal Contexts ECML-PKDD 2022 PDF [N/A]
GAPNM Granularity-Aware Area Prototypical Network With Bimargin Loss for Few Shot Relation Classification TKDE 2022 PDF [N/A]
Meta-iKG Subgraph-aware Few-Shot Inductive Link Prediction via Meta-Learning TKDE 2022 PDF [N/A]
Improving Few-Shot Relation Classification by Prototypical Representation Learning with Definition Text NAACL 2022 PDF [N/A]
CIAN Learning Inter-Entity-Interaction for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion EMNLP 2022 PDF PyTorch
HiRe Hierarchical Relational Learning for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion ICLR 2023 PDF PyTorch
NP-FKGC Normalizing Flow-based Neural Process for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion SIGIR 2023 PDF PyTorch

2.2.2 Zero-Shot Relation Classification

Name Title Venue Paper Code
ZSGAN Generative Adversarial Zero-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs AAAI 2020 PDF PyTorch
ZSLRC Zero-shot Relation Classification from Side Information CIKM 2021 PDF PyTorch

2.2.3 Few-Shot Reasoning on KGs

Name Title Venue Paper Code
Meta-KGR Adapting Meta Knowledge Graph Information for Multi-Hop Reasoning over Few-Shot Relations EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 PDF PyTorch
FIRE Few-Shot Multi-Hop Relation Reasoning over Knowledge Bases EMNLP 2020 PDF [N/A]
THML When Hardness Makes a Difference: Multi-Hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning over Few-Shot Relations CIKM 2021 PDF [N/A]
ADK-KG Adapting Distilled Knowledge for Few-shot Relation Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs SDM 2022 PDF PyTorch

2.3 Graph-Level Structure Imbalance

2.3.1 Imbalanced Graph Sizes

Name Title Venue Paper Code
SOLT-GNN On Size-Oriented Long-Tailed Graph Classification of Graph Neural Networks WWW 2022 PDF PyTorch

2.3.2 Imbalanced Topology Groups

Name Title Venue Paper Code
TopoImb TopoImb: Toward Topology-level Imbalance in Learning from Graphs LoG 2022 PDF [N/A]

3. Other Related Literature

3.1 Fairness Learning on Graphs

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CFC Compositional fairness constraints for graph embeddings ICML 2019 PDF PyTorch
Exploring algorithmic fairness in robust graph covering problems NIPS 2019 PDF PyTorch
Fairwalk Fairwalk: Towards fair graph embedding IJCAI 2019 PDF Python
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InFoRM Inform: Individual fairness on graph mining KDD 2020 PDF Python
DeBayes Debayes: a bayesian method for debiasing network embeddings ICML 2020 PDF Python
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MCCNIFTY A multi-view confidence-calibrated framework for fair and stable graph representation learning ICDM 2021 PDF [N/A]
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MMSS Socially fair mitigation of misinformation on social networks via constraint stochastic optimization AAAI 2022 PDF Python
CrossWalk Crosswalk: Fairness-enhanced node representation learning AAAI 2022 PDF Scikit-Learn
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FairVGNN Improving fairness in graph neural networks via mitigating sensitive attribute leakage KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
GUIDE Guide: Group equality informed individual fairness in graph neural networks KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
REFEREE On structural explanation of bias in graph neural networks KDD 2022 PDF PyTorch
UD-GNN UD-GNN: uncertainty-aware debiased training on semi-homophilous graphs KDD 2022 PDF N/A
GEAR Learning fair node representations with graph counterfactual fairness WSDM 2022 PDF PyTorch
EDITS Edits: Modeling and mitigating data bias for graph neural networks WWW 2022 PDF PyTorch
UGE Unbiased graph embedding with biased graph observations WWW 2022 PDF PyTorch
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RELIANT RELIANT: Fair Knowledge Distillation for Graph Neural Networks ICDM 2023 PDF PyTorch


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