JavaScript { JS is a dynamically typed ( mean don't need to tell which type of data we are going to store in a variable ) programming language. we use it to give instructions th the computer }
Ctrl + k ( use to clear the console log in your browser )
Install Visual Studio Code ( It is free & Popular code editor by Microsoft )
console.log ("Apna Collage");
Console.log is used to log ( Print ) a message to the console -
means that this file is the JavaScript file -
To connect the JavaScript with the browser we have to create
file to run the JavaScript code on browser -
VS code provide us a Boilerplate for
when your just enter it this will create the basic code ofHTML
for you -
Now to connect the
file withHTML
you have to write Script tag within theHTML
file and add the path in thesrc
- Variables are containers for data , that is used to store data
- Int Variable ( 1 , 3 , 434 )
- float Variable ( 1.23 , 34.3 )
- String Variable ( 'food' , 'zahid')
- Boolean Variable ( 'True', 'False' )
- Null variable ( means nothing inside the variable )
( name = 'null' )
- undefined variable ( means this is not defined )
( name = 'undefined' )
Variables names are case sensitive ( a & A is different )
Only letters, digits and underscore ( _ ) are allowed. ( not even space )
Only Letter, underscore
should be 1st character. -
Reserved words ( these words are used for special work like console is the reserved words use for printing something on screen ) cannot be variables names.
We can create variables without keywords like
( var , let , const )
but this is not good practice you have to use variables keywords -
Variable can be re-declared & updated in JavaScript, A global scope variable ( means you can use it where you want in a program ), before 2015 people use var variable after in 2015 we got ES6 the advanced version of JavaScript after that we havelet
Variable cannot be re-declared but can be updated. A block scope variable ( means that you can only use it only in a block of code mean in a specific place ) -
Variable cannot be re-declared or updated. A block scop variable, We can use Constant variables in special cases like for the value ofPI
if we haveconst
object we can change the object key only not the whole object -
if you are declaring a variable with no value assigned to it forlet
variable it will returnundefined
but in the case ofconst
it will give an error
- Data type define the type of the data that a variable can store
Primitive data type
Primitive data types are fixed data types that are predefined there are 7 Primitive data types in JavaScript that are given below
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- BigInt (Big integer)
- Symbol
None Primitive data type
Objects are the None Primitive data types, Objects are contained arrays and functions. Objects is the collection of the values, objects are key value pairs
you can check the code of object in javascript file
( Part of Code which is not executed ) , Single line comment and double line commentOperators
( used to perform some operation on data )
Note : 4 + 3 = 7 here 4 and 3 are called operands and the + is operator and as a whole it can be called Expression
Arithmetic Operators + , - , * , /
These are called Arithmetic Operators -
Modulus %
This operator gives us the reminder of the division -
This will use for the power of something like 2 power 2 which is = 4 for Exponentiation we have to use ** like 2**2 which means 2 power 2 that is = 4 -
Unary Operator
there are two unary operator like increment operator ++ and decrement operator -- unary operator needs only one operand, we can use increment and decrement operators in two ways like
a++ ( post increment ) and ++a ( pre increment )
a-- ( post decrement ) and --a ( pre decrement )
the difference in btw post and pre is the pre change the value first and start executing code while post execute code and change the value later on -
Assignment Operators
to assign values to the variables, ( = , += , -= , *= , %= , **= ) you can give space between the value and the name of the variable but you can't give space in btween Assignment Operators like + = which pass an error -
Comparison Operators
is used to compare the values of the variables ( == equal to , != not equal to , > , >= , < , <=) so if you compare the values of the two variables in which one variable store the integer and the other variable store the string but only one string like "2" wo if we compare it like a == b this will return true as per JavaScript change the string to integer first when there is only one digit inside a variable
strict version of comparison operators like Equal to & type === and Not Equal to & type !== this means these will check it strictly now if the value and the type of the value same so it will return true and false -
Logical Operators
is used to evaluate multiple functions and gives us the final result like if person1 is telling truth and person2 is telling lie so it will return the final result of this situation ( Logical AND && , Logical OR || , Logical NOT ! )
- Logical AND && : it will return true when both conditions are true
- Logical OR || : it will return true even if one condition is true
- Logical ! : it will return the opposite if the condition is false it will return true and if the condition is true it will return false and only one expression is needed for it like !a < b
Ternary Operators
is the simple way of use if else statements, it always working on 3 operands , 1st is condition 2nd and 3rd are the outputs , like a ? b : c here it means we have a condition a and b is the block of code which runs only when a is true if is not true so the code of block that is in c will be run
Conditional Statements
is used to implement condition in the code, ( if Statement , if-else statement , else if statement )
If you want to explore the JavaScript more and want to explore it documentation so search for MDN Docs in google
Alert ("hello") one time message will be pop up in your screen
Prompt ("hello"); this is also pop up message but the difference is you can also enter a message inside it
are used to execute a piece of code again and again -
types of loops
( For loop, infinite loop, while loop, do while loop, for of loop, for in loop) -
For loop
Three statements make up a for loop: the initialization statement, a stop condition, and the updating statement, also known as the increment or decrement statement. If you used the let in initialization statement in the for loop and you try to print the result after the body of the loop, you will receive an error. The reason for this is that because let is defined in block scope, it can only be used inside the same function, if you use it outside of it, an error will occur. However, if you declare var an error won't occur. -
infinite loop
A loop that never ends , although we should never use it in programming. This is because this will return true and will run and never stop this may cause website damaged where you used or may memory lose in your computer because it uses your memory -
While loop
in while loop you have to initialize the value before loop. and the condition is checked in start. -
do while loop
in do while loop a code run once must, and in do while loop we will give condition at the end -
For-Of loop
this is the special loop, it is used to iterate or to loop on some special data types, like for of loop is helps us to use loop on strings and arrays, for example if we have to print the every single character of a string so we have option ofFor-of
loop. -
For-in loop
for the use of iteration on objects we have to useFor-in
loop is used to return keys in objects. Once if we have the keys of an object we can also take all the values using keys -
Template Literals
is a way to embedded expressions in strings, also we can say this is a special type of string, the advantage of template literals is you can write variables and strings in one string by defining template literals string, a string is said to be a template literal in which variables and strings are enclosed in back tics `` keep in mind that we have to use the $ {Variable Name} whenever we want to call variable for example
let output = ` the cost of ${obj.item} is ${obj.price} rupees `
String Interpolation
is the process of inserting strings or values into an existing string for various purposes , or string interpolation is the template literal in which values are added, divided means a calculation inside the template literals is called string interpolation for example
let String = ` This is template literal ${1+2+3} `
Escape Character \n & \t
\n is used to add a next line in a string and \t is used to add a tab in a string
console.log ( ' zahid \n khattak ' ) ;
console.log ( ' zahid \t khattak ' ) ;
Note :
the Escape character length is count only one instead of two like \t these are two but counts is a one
String Methods
are built-in functions to manipulate a string like make changes in a string.Note :
Strings are immutable in JavaScript, if you want to make changes in the string you have to create new string with a new changestr.toUpperCase ()
is a function in JavaScript that change the string to Uppercase , For Example :
let str = "zahid khattak"
str = str.toUpperCase();
is a function in JavaScript that change the string to Lower Case , same as example given for uppercase. -
is a function in JavaScript that removes the white spaces from the string at the end and also at the beginning, it not remove the white spaces in between the strings -
is a function in JavaScript that return us the part of the string,Note:
the ending value will be not return in a result ,Note:
if we didn't provide the last value it will start from the start value and print all the value til the end -
is a function in JavaScript that concatenate two strings. you have to pass the string that you want to join in the function,Note:
in JavaScript you can concatenate two strings by using + symbol but we have also the method str.concat() in JavaScript. -
str.replace(searchvalue , newvalue)
is a function in JavaScript to search a value in string and replace it with the new value. -
function in JavaScript to find the character in a string by using index pass in function
is the collections of items, or array is the type of variable which stores multiple but same type of data in consecutive memory location. array is a type of object whenever you want to print the typeof array it will return object instead of array it's because it is the type of object. for creating an array you have to provide the name of the array and put the values in between square brackets [ ] exmplelet array = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
.length and method
. length is a property , and a property only return us a value , while method performs calculations -
Array Indices
through array index we can access the different values that are stored in array. for example
let array = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
console.log ( array [ 0 ] ) ; // this will return 1
- we can also changed the values of the array by using array index
array [ 2 ] = [ 5 ] ; // this will replace 5 in the place of 3
- as per we learn earlier the strings are not mutable and arrays are mutable mean that we can't change the strings value using index and other way but we can the array.
Looping over an array
to print all the elements in the array we can use looping over an array. we can use for , while , and do while loop , for of loop and for in loop as well.
a method that is used for adding an element at the end of hte array -
a method used for deleting an element from the end of the array -
a method that is used for to convert a array to string . -
it joins the multiple arrays & return the result, it is also a string method to join the multiple stringsNote
it not change the original array but it return the new array -
its work like push method but it add an element to the start of the array . -
its work like pop method but it delete from the start of the array -
slice ()
slice method as per we learn in strings it will return a piece of strings same as for it will return piece of array by giving specific indices.
eg slice ( StartIndex , EndIndex ),Note
it will not change the original array -
splice ()
slice method is used to add , remove , and replace something in the original array . it will take three arguments
eg splice (startIndex , Delcount, newElement) here delcount is to represent how many elements you wants to delete
splice( 2 , 1 , 10 ); it will start form index 2 and delete 1 item and adding 10 in the index 2 which we pass in the startIndex ,
it will delete , update and add a new element in the index you provided as a startIndex, if you pass only one value it will delete all the number after that specific index you pass
is a block of code to perform a specific task, it can be called whenever needed. -
Function Creation
function creation consists of function definition and function calling, in order to create your own function you have to define the function first and than you have to call the function also for example,
function myfunction ( ) {
console.log ( ' zahid khattak ' ) ;
} // this is called function definition
myfunction ( ) ; // this is called function calling
Parameters and Arguments
the Parameters are those values that are inside the function definition while the arguments are the value inside the function whenever it called for example
function msgfnt ( msg ) { // here msg is the parameter
console.log ( msg ) ;
msgfnt ( " hello this is Zahid " ) ; // now this is arguments
Local Variables
all those variable that are define inside the function and can be call inside the function are called local variables , these variables can't be call outside the variable it will pass an error when you call it outside of the function. -
Global Variables
all those variables that are define outside of the function are called Global variables it can be called anywhere in code mean you can call and use it inside the function and outside of the function
the function parameters are also called local variables. it can be used inside the function and it is block scope it will work inside a block we can say these are block scope variables also. -
Arrow Functions
arrow functions is the simplest way to create functions. keep in mind that we have to store the arrow function in a variable to call it later on for example
const functionname = ( param1 , param2 ) => {
// block of code here
} // this is called arrow function
arrow function is the part of modern JavaScript -
forEach Loop in arrays
is a type of loop that we used for arrays and we can also used for strings -
Higher order functions and methods
higher order functions in JavaScript are functions or methods that either take another function as a parameter inside them or they return the another function as their output
Document object Module, when a page is loaded, the browser creates aDocument Object Model DOM
of the page. as per we can access our html code in JavaScript, our all html elements convert to an object when it is access in the JavaScript and this object called document and this document is available in window object. you can access this document by search window.document in window object , and this document is the representation of our HTML code. we usedDOM
for dynamic changes in our page . if you just linked the JavaScript in the head this will not access the document mean the HTML code it's because it will not access the body and its elements cause it will run first before the HTML body . so we have to link our JavaScript just before the body ending tag -
Window object
the window object represents an open window in a browser. it is global object with lots of properties & methods. it is browser's object ( Not JavaScript's ) & automatically created by browser and all the JavaScripts built-in methods , functions and alerts are define there you can view it by going to console log in browser and write
' window ' and hit enter to show -
this will return the properties of that variable are anything that you called inside it like console.dir(document); this will show all the properties that are used in the document.
These are all the selectors through which we can access the HTML elements in JavaScript. -
Selecting with Id
Β Β Access element by it's ID
document.getElementsById ( " myid " );
Selecting with Class
Β Β Access element by it's Class
document.getElemntsByClassName ( " MyClass " );
Selecting with Tag
Β Β Access element by its tag
document.getElemntsByTagName ( " p " );
Query Selector
Β Β This is the better way to access the Elements, in Query Selector you can access the Elements by either their Id , their Class and their Tag Name, Note : it will access first element of the all same names like if you have multiple same class this will return only first class element
document.querySelector ( " myid/myclas/tag " );
Query Selector All
Β Β this is the way how you can access all the correspondence tags, class, and id elements that you demands,Note
in query selector all you have to writedot ( . )
before class name andHash ( # )
before id name
document.querySelectorAll ( " myid/myclas/tag " );
document.querySelectorAll ( " .myclass " );
document.querySelectorAll ( " #myid " );
this property returns tag for element nodes
this property returns the text content of the element and all its children we can also change the content of the element by innerText property
document.getElementById("heading").innerText; // this will show the text only
document.getElementById("heading").innerText="abcd"; // now this will change the innerText also
this property returns the HTML contents with HTML structure of the element
this property returns textual content even for hidden elements, means that this will return the content even if it is hidden from frontend page.
console.log ( document.getElementById ( " h5 " ) .textContent);
there are three types of nodes in DOM tree
Text Node
comments Node
Elements Node
we are accessing and working on Elements nodes in JavaScript
firstChild property of the Node interface returns the node's first child in the DOM tree or null if the node has no children -
lastChild property of the node returns the last child of the node in DOM tree, or null if there is no child nodes.
console.log ( document.body.lastChild );
we can access all the children by using children property
console.log ( document.querySelector ('div') .children )
it is a method to get the attribute of the element for example
let att = document.querySelector ( "div" );
console.log( att.getAttribute ( ' id ') );
it is a method to set the attribute value mean to change the value of the attribute. for example
let name = document.querySelector("h1"); // here the old class attribute value is myname
let newvalue = name.setAttribute("class","fullname"); // here it will changed to fullname
is a property that allows you to directly manipulate the inline CSS styles of an element. for exampledocument.getElementById("name").style.Color = " green ";
in order to insert Elements you have to create it first for that we use .createElement("button"); -
this property will add an element at the end of the div . -
this property will add an element at the start of the div . -
this property will add an element just before div . -
this property will add an element after the div .
provide the node/element name and apply .remove() method this will delete that particular element -
adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node. -
The removeChild() method removes a child node from the DOM and returns the removed node. -
now if you create a paragraph in html and give it some style using it's class name , and make a new class in css file and want to add the new class to that paragraph and don't want to replace the old one so for this case you have a new property called
you can also remove the new class by using.classList.remove("newclass")
an event is an action or occurrence that happens in the browser, such as a user clicking a button, a page finishing loading, or an error occurring. -
is a mouse event it will worked when a mouse button is clicked once on an element for example
< button onclick="console.log('button was clicked!'); alert('hello!');"> click me! < /button >
is a mouse event it will worked when a mouse button is clicked twice on an element for example
< button ondblclick="console.log('button was clicked 2x ! ' ) ; " > click me 2 x ! < /button >
is a mouse event it will worked when you just hover the mouse on the element to which onmouseover event is attached.
< div onmouseover="console.log(' you are inside the div ! ' ) ; " > i am div hover on me ! < /div >
Note this is not the better way to apply JS Events inline we must have to use it on JS File for that we have to access the elements first in JS file and add Events on it
Note if we applied an Event an inline code and add the other event in JS file so here first priority will be the JS file mean the JS file event will be applied on it
Event Object
it is a special object that has details about the event. all event handlers have the access to the Event Object's properties and methods. it has the details like which type of event this is like it is pointer event, keyboard event, or any other event and what is the type of the event and what is the target of the event etc. we can say this object save the background information about the events handlers.
box1.onmouseover = (evt) =>{ console.log(evt); } // here evt represents the event object
Inline Events Drawbacks
the drawbacks of the inline events is our code readability will be not code -
Drawbacks of Events in JS File
in JavaScript file we can handle an event for an element by only one function at a time so for this problem we have the -
Event Listeners
we can say event listeners is a type of function that always listen the event when event occurs these function will starts it works. and for a single event we can create multiple event listeners. to create an event listener we have to mention the element and addEventListener on it for example -
we can add EventListener to an element, addEventListener() can take two arguments one is event which type of event you want to add and other is a function that can run after an event occur.
node.addEventListener( event , callback ) // A function called callback will be used as an argument by another function. for example
const fnt = ()=>{ console.log('hello');}
div.addEventListener ( " click " , fnt );
as per we can add EventListeners we can also remove EventListener -
in order to remove an event using remoeEventListener we have to save the event listener in a variable while creation so that we can remove it later on when we need to remove. for example
const fnt = ()=>{ console.log( ' hello world ' ) ; }
div.removeEventListener ( " click " , fnt );
today i just created a new game in JavaScript ( Tic Tac Toe Game )
today i just created a new game in JavaScript ( Stone | Paper | Scissors )
a JavaScript object is an entity having state and behavior (properties and method) mean in object we can store properties and function . -
JavaScript objects have a special property called prototype. this is we can say there is a special object inside an object by default this object store the default methods and behaviors. you can see it in console.log by simply console your object. it exists inside all the objects in JS. -
Use of Prototype
in array we can push, pop by simply using the methods push and pop so these are the methods that are stored in Prototype so whenever we needs these methods than the prototype that is store by default can return all these. -
Set Prototype
we can set our prototype using_ _ proto _ _
, like we have an object student so first we have to create our object like 'employee' to use it as a prototype than we have to set as like
student. _ _ proto _ _ = employee; -
class is a program-code template for creating objects. These objects will have some state (variable) & some behavior (functions) inside it. class gives us a template to create objects. use case scenario for example
the Apple company have to build multiple mobile phone or laptop so company have a blueprint of mobile phone or laptops like color will be golden ram will be 2gb means how to build it , we can say that all the phones are made by using a single template. now if we just go for objects and write code of hundreds of objects so instead of it we can code for a single class that have all the properties mean we have to simply create a blueprint for all. so whenever we need same objects instead of it we have to create a class -
Constructor is a special method in JavaScript, it automatically created by JavaScript whenever we create an object. The main work of constructor is to initializes the object. we can also pass arguments in constructor function as like we pass to simple functions. -
Inheritance is passing down properties & methods from parent class to child class. If we have multiple properties in class 1 and want to used all the properties in class two so we simply inherit the class 1 properties in class 2 so all the class 1 properties will be in the class 1. to inherit the properties we are using a property called 'extends'. note 'if child & parent have same method, child's method will be used ' this is called method overriding -
super Keyword
The super keyword is used to call the constructor of its parent class to access the parent's properties and methods. -
Error Handling
if we have hundreds lines of code in some where we just make a mistake and code till mistake will run but after mistake it will not run for that we have a concept in coding called Error Handling , that is know astry-catch
in try-catch handling error we have to put the normal code in try block and create a error code in handling error
try {
... normal code
} catch ( err ) {
console.log ( err )
Synchronous means the code runs in a particular order of instructions given in the program. Each Instruction waits for the previous instruction to complete its execution -
Due to synchronous programming, sometimes important instructions get blocked due to some previous instructions, which causes a delay in the UI. Asynchronous code execution allow to execute next instructions immediately and doesn't wait for the previous instruction to complete. -
till now we are using synchronous programming which means that, it run next line after completion of the previous instruction/line now we are learning Asynchronous programming. -
a callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. In a callback function you have to pass the function name only to run you don't have to pass the function name with braces. -
Callback Hell
Nested callbacks stacked below one another forming a pyramid structure ( Pyramid of Doom ) this style of programming becomes difficult to understand & manage. -
promise is for "eventual" completion of task. it is an object in JS. is is the solution to callback hell. as per we learn callback hell is difficult to understand and manage so to solve this problem we have promises, promises is come to solve the callback hell problem. There are three states in promise
- Pending (The result is undefined)
- Resolved (The result is a value (fulfilled))
- Rejected (The result is an error )
- there are two functions which runs only either if the promise is fulfilled or rejected
Promise.than(( res ) =>{....})
Promise.catch( ( err ) =>{....})
these are the keywords in JavaScript that simplify asynchronous programming. async function always returns a promise. while await pauses the execution of its surrounding async function until the promise is settled. Asyn await is the advanced and simple version of callback and promises,Note
we can use await inside the async function only
async function myFun(){.....}
Application programming interface. -
Fetch API
The fetch API provides an interface for fetching (sending/receiving) resources. it usesRequest
objects, thefetch ()
method is used to fetch a resource (data). for example,
let promise = fetch ( url , [ Options ] )
is Asynchronous JS & XML -
is JavaScript Object Notation, JSON means the data that is returned by the api is like the javascript object this why this is called a JSON -
method: returns a second promise that resolves with the result of parsing the response body text as JSON. (Input is JSON, Output is JS Object) -
the api sending the data in JSON format for that we have to convert the data into the JavaScript object and for that we used json() method
HTTP Verbs
as per we all know HTTP is stands for Hyper text transfer protocol. but there are verbs in HTTP that tells us which type of request you sending like GET request HEAD request etc -
this is the type of request through which we can retrieve data . -
this method is used to sending data . -
this method is used to delete some data if we want to delete some data we have to send delete request. -
Response Status Code
there are multiple HTTP status codes like 200 which means everything is going well and 400 which means an error like the api is doesn't exists or we just send a wrong response etc.
this function will return the type of that variable which you pass inside it liketypeof(name);
means the rules of that language you must have to follow, like in English we must terminate the sentence with a full stop . The JavaScript Language rules are you must add semicolon ; at the end of every line. -
this is a function that use to sets the timeout for the specified number of milliseconds before the specified timeout expires and returns the result. it takes two arguments one is the function or what to be run and other is time in milliseconds,Note
1 second is = 1000 milliseconds
Apna Collage Notes π