SalinityGL is an OpenGL baselayer library for creating (2D/3D) visualization applications. The goal is to create a library that is easy to use and lightweight. SalinityGL provides a thin OpenGL abstraction layer and some basic helper functions to support the process of building rendering applications.
SalinityGL is written in C++17 with OpenGL 4.5. Currently, only Linux is supported. To get started, take a look at the building and compiling section.
During development, several demo applications were created to test the engine's capabilities. These apps are built and compiled separately from the engine core, but a global parameter file is maintained for the configuration of some app-to-engine settings.
The development of this library also serves my educational purposes.
SalinityGL is licensed under the MIT LICENSE.
├── Apps/ # Demo applications
│ ├── GreenWorld/ # 3D nature scene
│ └── CellSim/ # 3D Cellular Automata System (on hold) ⌛
│ └── Liquefied/ # 2D Eulerian Fluid Simulation
├── Engine/
│ ├── Application/ # Application and interface stuff
│ ├── Core/ # Utilities and core engine functionalities
│ ├── Debug/ # Logging and error handling
│ ├── Physics/ # Code for cellular automata and fluid simulation
│ ├── Rendering/ # GL stuff, buffers, renderer ...
│ └── Engine.hpp # Main header for include in the applications
├── Res/ # Assets, sounds and screenshots
├── Scripts/ # Scripts for static analysis, profiling and building
└── Vendor/ # Third party libraries
- Thin OpenGL-Wrapping
- Resource loading and management (shaders, textures)
- Error handling
- Window creation
- UI
- Camera + input management
- Rendering
- 2D-Sprite-Rendering
- 3D-Model-Rendering
- Loading of OBJ-Models
- Dynamic mesh creation (planes, terrains)
- Cubemaps/Skyboxes
- Pixel-Rendering
- Lighting
- Blinn-Phong
- Shadow rendering
- Normal mapping
- Water rendering
- Instanced rendering
- 2D particle system
- Smoke
- Grid-Rendering
- 2D particle system
- Dynamic texture subsampling
- Physics
- Cellular Automata System (very primitive)
- Eulerian Fluid Simulation
- File management
- Profiling
- Audio
Nature scene with water rendering, normal mapped objects, and a particle system to display smoke.
3D Cellular Automata System (experimental - very primitive). Serves as a test and benchmark application for now.
2D Eulerian Fluid Simulation on the CPU.
The engine and the demo applications are compiled separately. The engine is compiled into a static library and then included in the demo applications' binary. All external libraries (Vendor/) are getting directly included (via source) into the engine and need no separate install. The only exception is GLFW, which gets linked dynamically (.so file is provided).
- Linux
- Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 - 24.04
- C++17 compiler
- Tested Clang and GCC
- CMake 3.20 or newer
- OpenGL 4.5 compatible graphics card and driver
Install the external dependencies (if needed)
apt-get install cmake pkg-config apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
Clone/download the repository or a particular release
git clone
Debug configuration
mkdir Build_Debug cd Build_Debug cmake .. -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-g" make -j
Release configuration
mkdir Build_Release cd Build_Release cmake .. -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O3 -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-result" make -j
Run the demo applications
Version | Date | Commit [Count / ID] |
Lines of code [Apps / Engine] |
Notes |
0.2.0 | 28.07.2024 | [373 / 7bbc453] | [1690 / 8990] | Completion of the Liquefied demo app |
0.1.1 | 14.01.2023 | [255 / d425a33] | [480 / 4250] | Completion of the GreenWorld demo app |
0.1.0 | 11.06.2022 | [229 / 218a55e] | [575 / 4110] | First official release |
- 07/2021 - 09/2021: Rewrite of the engine core
- 01/2020 - 09/2020: Some very early projects (still under Windows)
The future of this project is uncertain. For now it is on hold while I focus on other things like learning Vulkan.
- v0.2.1: Multithreading and Compute Shader implementation of the Liquefied app
- 3D fluid simulation
- Some kind of raytracing project
Thanks to all the creators and contributors of these projects!
Library | Version | Commit | Updated in Engine | Functionality |
GLFW | 3.4.0 | 7b6aead | 13.04.2024 | Window and input management |
glad | 2.0.6 | 658f48e | 13.04.2024 | OpenGL function loading |
imgui | 1.90.4 | 277ae93 | 13.04.2024 | GUI |
GLM | 1.0.1 | 0af55cc | 13.04.2024 | Mathematics |
miniaudio | 0.11.18 | 3898fff | 20.09.2023 | Audio |
stb_image | 2.28 | 3ecc60f | 20.09.2023 | Image loading |
tinyobjloader | / | 853f059 | 20.09.2023 | Wavefront obj loading |
Easylogging++ | 9.96.7 | 5181b40 | 19.07.2021 | Logging |
This project uses PVS-Studio, a static analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java code that's free to use for open source projects and students.