Majimix is a high-level API designed to play simultaneously audio sources (WAVE files, Xiph Ogg audio files, KSS files) as sounds or background musics.
#include <iostream>
#include <majimix/majimix.hpp>
int main()
// initialize majimix
// create a majimix instance
auto majimix_ptr = majimix::pa::create_instance();
// set the majimix output format : rate 44,1 KHz stereo 16 bits
// and use 10 channels : you can play 10 sounds simultaneously
if (majimix_ptr->set_format(44100, true, 16, 10))
// add source and get the source handle (it can be done later)
int source_handle_1 = majimix_ptr->add_source("bgm.ogg");
// ... add other sources ...
// start majimix instance
if (majimix_ptr->start_mixer())
// play bgm.ogg (loop)
int play_handle_1 = majimix_ptr->play_source(source_handle_1, true, false);
std::cout << play_handle_1 << "\n";
// add a new source
int source_handle_2 = majimix_ptr->add_source("sound.wav");
std::cout << source_handle_2 << "\n";
// press any key ('q' to quit)
char u = 0;
while(u != 'q')
// play sound.wav (once) while bgm.ogg continu
int play_handle_2 = majimix_ptr->play_source(source_handle_2);
std::cout << "Press 'q' to quit\n";
std::cin >> u;
// stop majimix
// dispose
return 0;
Majimix uses the following libraries:
- PortAudio -
- Xiph libogg -
- libKss -