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Tempto - test framework Build Status

This project allows developers to write and execute tests for SQL databases running on Hadoop. Individual test requirements such as data generation, HDFS file copy/storage of generated data and schema creation are expressed declaratively and are automatically fulfilled by the framework. Developers can write tests using Java (using a TestNG like paradigm and AssertJ style assertion) or by providing query files with expected results.


To use Tempto you need a Java 1.8 runtime.

Other dependencies will vary based on the set of features you are using.


For automatic provisioning HDFS based tables you need:

  • Running Hadoop cluster with WebHDFS
  • We suggest that cluster support XAttr metadata. Having that feature enabled improves test performance slightly.

Basic concepts

  • Requirement - the set of resources a test needs in order to run, e.g. data stored HDFS, Hive tables, etc.
  • Test case - test of single functionality e.g. query.
  • Test group - logical grouping of test cases. For example one could define a join group, a group by group, a window function group etc. in order to test different SQL functionality.
  • Test context - object used to store context information specific to a test.
  • Java test - test written in Java, annotated with @Test, following the TestNG convention.
  • File based test - test written by specifying the query to run and the corresponding result using files.


To use Tempto you need machine to execute test code and machine or machines to run tested application.

Note that the machine running the framework and tests does not have to be the same as the machine or set of machines running your SQL on Hadoop database. For example, typical configuration is:

  • the framework and tests running on a Jenkins slave
  • tested application cluster is running on separate machines and is accessed over network


Tempto uses SLF4J for logging.

logging test id

Tempto sets up 'test_id' entry in SLF4J logs context (MDC). It corresponds to name of test currently being run. It can be used in logging patterns. If you are using log4j as a backend you can use it as below:

log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.conversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L [%X{test_id}] - %m%n


The test execution environment is configured via a hierarchical YAML file. The YAML file is by default loaded from the classpath and must be named tempto-configuration.yaml.

Configuration files locations can be overidden by using following java system properties:

  • tempto.configurations - for overriding global configuration file locations
 java ... -Dtempto.configurations=my_configuration.yaml,/tmp/my_local_configuration.yaml

Configuration files are read from left to right.

Configuration files can also be overridden by passing command line arguments to tests runner based on TemptoRunner Java class. See below for details.

Variable expansion

The configuration file can contain variable placeholders in form of ${variable_name}.

Variables placeholders in templates are expanded during tests execution based on:

  • System environment variables
  • Other configuration keys in the file

Example configuration file with variables:

  master_host: localhost

  host: ${common.master_host}

Configuration sections


This section is used to configure how the framework accesses HDFS. During the fulfillment process, the framework accesses HDFS through the WebHDFS REST API. In your Java tests you may also access HDFS through the HdfsClient interface. Below is an example hdfs configuration section:

hdfs:                           # HDFS related settings
  username: hdfs                # username to use for accessing HDFS
    uri: http://master:50070    # service exposing HDFS REST interface

Framework supports the SPNEGO authentication for HDFS. Below is the sample configuration:

  username: user@EXAMPLE.COM          # kerberos principal to use for accessing HDFS
    uri: http://master:50070          # service exposing HDFS REST interface
    authentication: SPNEGO            # authentication type now is set to `SPNEGO`
    keytab: /path/to/user.keytab      # path to the `user` keytab
  • databases

Currently we support only JDBC based database connections. Multiple such connections may be defined in this section of the configuration. By default, tests and queries are executed using the connection named "default". You can change "default" to point to whichever JDBC connection you want to query against (see example below). You will need to define a connection for every database that will need to be accessed during the test run. For example, if you'd like the framework to create tables for you in Hive, you'll have to specify connection parameters for Hive.

Remark: Every database connection defined in the configuration will be initialized during framework startup, even if no tests using that type of connection are scheduled to be executed. This will be improved in the future.

databases:           # database connections
  default:           # default connection to query against
    alias: presto    # points to connection defined below that you'd like to use as the default
  hive:              # connection named hive
    jdbc_driver_class: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver                                # fully qualified JDBC driver classname
    jdbc_url: jdbc:hive2://master:10000                                               # database url
    jdbc_user: hdfs                                                                   # database user
    jdbc_password: na                                                                 # database password
    jdbc_pooling: false                                                               # (optional) should connection pooling be used (it does not work for Hive due to driver issues)
    jdbc_jar: tempto-hive-jdbc/build/libs/hive-jdbc-fat.jar                           # (optional) Path to jar containing database driver. Required if jar is not present in global classpath.
    table_manager_type: hive
    jdbc_driver_class: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
    jdbc_url: jdbc:hive2://master:10000/default;principal=hive/master@EXAMPLE.COM;auth=kerberos;kerberosAuthType=fromSubject;
    jdbc_user: username
    jdbc_password: na 
    jdbc_pooling: false
    kerberos_principal: USERNAME@EXAMPLE.COM
    kerberos_keytab: /path/to/username.keytab  
  presto:           # connection named presto
    jdbc_driver_class: io.prestosql.jdbc.PrestoDriver
    jdbc_url: jdbc:presto://localhost:8080/hive/default
    jdbc_user: hdfs
    jdbc_password: na

  psql:           # postgresql
    jdbc_driver_class: org.postgresql.Driver
    jdbc_url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
    jdbc_user: blah
    jdbc_password: blah
    jdbc_pooling: true
    table_manager_type: jdbc
    # (optional) flag to skip schema creation, if a given database does not support
    skip_create_schema: true

If we want framework to provision tables we need to specify table_manager_type for database connection. Currently we support two table manager types:

  • hive: manages tables in HIVE. Is applicable to HDFS backed hive database connection.

  • jdbc: manages tables in standard SQL JDBC based database. Tables are populated using "INSERT INTO " statements.

  • tests

This section is used to configure various properties used during test execution.

    path: /tempto  # where to store test data on HDFS
    float_tolerance: 0.0001
property description
tests.hdfs.path defines where data for tables will be stored in hdfs
tests.assert.float_tolerance defines tolerance for floating point values comparision

Java based tests


See io.prestosql.tempto.examples.SimpleQueryTest in tempto-examples module.


Tests may declare requirements that are fulfilled by the framework during suite/test initialization.

Explicit RequirementsProvider

You can specify Requirements for your test through the @Requires annotation. Test methods and whole classes can be annotated with @Requires. If a class is annotated with @Requires, behavior is the same as when each test method in that class is annotated with @Requires. The parameter passed to @Requires must be a class that extends the RequirementsProvider interface. This interface has a single method, getRequirements() that returns an instance of a Requirement object.

Remark: It seems that a better way of passing in requirements would be to supply @Requires with an instance but Java only allows constant argument annotations.

Here's an example implementation of the RequirementProvider interface:

private final class SimpleTestRequirements
        implements RequirementsProvider
    public Requirement getRequirements()
        // ensure TPCH nation table is available
        return new ImmutableHiveTableRequirement(NATION);

In this case, SimpleTestRequirements encapsulated the single requirement of an immutable Hive table called nation.

The implementation of RequirementProvider is then passed as an argument to the @Requires annotation:

    @Test(groups = "query")
    public void selectAllFromNation()
        assertThat(query("select * from nation")).hasRowsCount(25);

If multiple @Requires annotations are stacked on top of one another on the same method or class, then the requirements they return are combined.

Test class being RequirementsProvider

Alternatively one can make Test class itself implement RequirementProvider. Then requirements returned by the implemented getRequirements method will be applied to all test methods in class.

private final class MyTestClass
        implements RequirementsProvider
    public Requirement getRequirements()
        // ensure TPCH nation table is available
        return new ImmutableHiveTableRequirement(NATION);
    public void someTestMethod() {
        assertThat(query("select * from nation")).hasRowsCount(25);

Requirement Types

This section lists the supported Requirement implementations that you can return from RequirementProvider#getRequirement().


When this requirement is fulfilled, it will create a table in the underlying database. It is called immutable table because the contract with the test developer is that it will not be altered by the test code. For immutable tables test code is not allowed to

  • drop it
  • re-create it under a different name
  • delete/insert data.

The immutable tables can be reused across tests. If 10 tests require an immutable table, that table will only be created once and the framework assumes it will be available for all tests.

Best way to create ImmutableTableRequirement is to use TableRequirements.immutableTable factory method.

Table Definitions

ImmutableHiveTableRequirement is parametrized with TableDefinition. Target database in which table is created depends on TableDefinition instance passed as ImmutableTableRequirement parameter.

Currently we support:

  • HiveTableDefinition - allowing defining tables in Hive. Requires a database configuration entry with hive table manager defined.
  • JDBCTableDefinition - allowing defining table in JDBC databases. Requires a database configuration entry with jdbc table manager defined.

TableDefinition must be registered in tables repository to be accessible by the tests. This can be done either by:

  • annotating static final field holding TableDefinition reference with @RepositoryTableDefinition annotation
  • explicitly using static call to TableDefinitionsRepository.registerTableDefinition(TableDefinition)

Remark: If multiple table managers of the same type (e.g. hive) are defined in the configuration, you have to provide database name explicitly in ImmutableHiveTableRequirement.


HiveTableDefinition include name, schema and dataSource. HiveTableDefinitionBuilder can be use to create new table definition. You need to provide:

  • DDL template containing following template placeholders:
    • %NAME% - table name in hive
    • %LOCATION% - data location on HDFS
  • Optional specification of table partitions.
  • HiveDataSource responsible for providing table data which is saved to HDFS

Certain commonly used tables, such as those in the TPC-H benchmark, are defined as constants and can be found in io.prestosql.tempto.fulfillment.table.hive.tpch.TpchTableDefinitions.

For example this is how the nation table is built:

    public static final HiveTableDefinition NATION =
                    .setCreateTableDDLTemplate("" +
                            "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE %NAME%(" +
                            "   n_nationkey     INT," +
                            "   n_name          STRING," +
                            "   n_regionkey     INT," +
                            "   n_comment       STRING) " +
                            "ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' " +
                            "LOCATION '%LOCATION%'")
                    .setDataSource(new TpchDataSource(TpchTable.NATION, 1.0))

JdbcTableDefinition include name, schema and dataSource. You need to provide:

  • DDL template containing following template placeholders:
    • %NAME% - actual table name in database
  • JdbcTableDataSource responsible for providing list of rows which are inserted into created table.


    static {
        JdbcTableDataSource dataSource = () -> ImmutableList.<List<Object>>of(
                ImmutableList.of(1, "x"),
                ImmutableList.of(2, "y")
        TEST_TABLE_DEFINITION = jdbcTableDefinition("test_table", "CREATE TABLE %NAME% (a int, b varchar(100))", dataSource);


When this requirement is fulfilled it will create a table in underlying database. But unlike ImmutableTableRequirement framework does not assume table will not be modified. Each test using ImmutableTableRequirement will have a separate instance of table created in database with unique name.

To access name of table in database from test code MutableTablesState must be used. See following example.

    private static class MutableTableRequirements implements RequirementsProvider
        public Requirement getRequirements()
            mutableTable(NATION, "table", LOADED)

    @Test(groups = "query")
    public void testWithMutableTable()
        MutableTablesState mutableTablesState = testContext().getDependency(MutableTablesState.class);
        TableInstance tableInstance = mutableTablesState.get("table");
        assertThat(query("select * from " + tableInstance.getNameInDatabase())).hasAnyRows();

One can request that mutable table is in one of three states:

  • PREPARED - no table is created actually - but MutableTableState entry is created for table and unique name is generated
  • CREATED - table is created but is not populated with data
  • LOADED - table is created and populated with data


When this requirement is fulfilled, it will create an LDAP Entry in the configured LDAP Server. Only OpenLDAP LDAP server is supported now.

The tempto configuration yaml must have the following configuration for this requirement:

     url: ldap://ldapserverhost
       dn: cn=admin,dc=tempto,dc=com
       password: admin

The LDAP Server used must be configured with an admin user and password who has privileges to create entities.


LdapObjectRequirement takes a list of LdapObjectDefinitions. The LDAP objects are created in the order in this list.

The requirement can be defined as:

        public Requirement getRequirements()
            new LdapObjectRequirement(Arrays.asList(TEST_ORG, TEST_USER))

In this example, TEST_ORG (which could be the LDAP organizationUnit for TEST_USER) is created first and then the TEST_USER. These definitions have objects analogous to an OpenLDAP entry definition and should be like:

    public static final LdapObjectDefinition TEST_USER =
                        .setModificationAttributes(ImmutableMap.of("memberOf", ImmutableList.of("cn=TestGroup,ou=Test,dc=tempto,dc=com", "cn=AnotherGroup,ou=Test,dc=tempto,dc=com")))
                        .setObjectClasses(Arrays.asList("person", "inetOrgPerson"))

        private static Map<String, String> testUserAttributes()
            Map<String, String> attributes = newHashMap();
            attributes.put("cn", "Test User");
            attributes.put("sn", "User");
            attributes.put("password", "testp@ss");
            return attributes;

If the TEST_USER already exists in the LDAP server, then the fulfiller will ignore adding this entry.

Advanced requirement concepts

allOf and compose

There are cases when you want to run the same test with different requirements sets. E.g. same query for multiple tables with same schema but stored in different file formats on HDFS.

For sake of such cases Tempto provides mechanism of generating requirements sets using Requirements.allOf and Requirements.compose methods.

See following example:

    private static class MultiSetRequirements implements RequirementsProvider
        public Requirement getRequirements()
            allOf(compose(mutableTable(NATION_TEXT, "nation", LOADED),
                          mutableTable(REGION_TEXT, "region", LOADED)),
                  compose(mutableTable(NATION_ORC, "nation", LOADED),
                          mutableTable(REGION_ORC, "region", LOADED)),
                  compose(mutableTable(NATION_PARQUET, "nation", LOADED),
                          mutableTable(REGION_PARQUET, "region", LOADED))

    @Test(groups = "query")
    public void testJoinNationAndRegion()
        MutableTablesState mutableTablesState = testContext().getDependency(MutableTablesState.class);
        TableInstance nation = mutableTablesState.get("nation");
        TableInstance region = mutableTablesState.get("region");
        assertThat(query("select * from "
                         + nation.getNameInDatabase() + ","
                         + region.getNameInDatabase "
                         + "where nation.region_key = region.key"))

When tests are executed three instances of testJoinNationAndRegion test will be run. One for each of the requirements passed to allOf method. Note that there are three requirements passed to allOf method but each one is composite one and internally consists of two mutableTable requirements. Composition is performed using compose methods. The following requirements sets will be used:

  • both nation and region tables stored as TEXT
  • both nation and region tables stored as ORC
  • both nation and region tables stored as PARQUET

Executing queries

Queries are executed via implementations of the QueryExecutor interface. Currently the only implementation is JdbcQueryExecutor. Each database configured in the YAML file will have its own query executor with name the same as name of the database. To retrieve that executor and issue queries against that database you can use the ThreadLocalTestContextHolder.testContext().getDependency(...) as shown below.

    // execute query against the default database
    QueryResult defaultQueryResult = QueryExecutor.query("SELECT * FROM nation");
    // Retrieve QueryExecutor for another, non-default, database
    QueryExecutor prestoQueryExecutor = ThreadLocalTestContextHolder.testContext().getDependency(QueryExecutor.class, "presto");
    QueryResult queryResultPresto = prestoQueryExecutor.query("SELECT * FROM nation");

Alternatively test writer can inject named QueryExecutor to the test. See below.

To use default QueryExecutor one can use helper static method QueryExecutor.query (see examples).

Query assertions

The QueryAssert class allows you to perform AssertJ style assetions on QueryResult objects. For more information on the available types of assertions, check the methods of QueryAssert.

Example assertions:

      public void testContainsExactlyInOrder()
          assertThat(query("SELECT n.nationkey,, FROM nation n " +
                  "INNER JOIN region r ON n.regionkey = r.regionkey " +
                  "WHERE name like 'A%' AND n.created > ? ORDER BY", LocalDate.parse("2015-01-01")))
                  .hasColumns(INTEGER, VARCHAR, VARCHAR)
                          row(1, "ALGERIA", "AFRICA"),
                          row(7, "ARGENTINA", "SOUTH AMERICA"));

Injecting dependencies into tests

As an alternative to using ThreadLocalTestContextHolder.testContext() explicitly dependencies can be injected to test by framework. Field injection and argument injection through setUp() method is supported.

See example:

public class InjectionTest
        extends ProductTest
    MutableTablesState mutableTablesState;

    public void setUp(
            ImmutableTablesState immutableTablesState,
            @Named("hdfs.username") String hdfsUsername

In above example three objects are injected by the framework:

  • MutableTablesState is injected through field injection
  • ImmutableTablesState through parameter injection in setUp method
  • configuration value for key hdfs.username through parameter injection in setUp method

Convention based SQL query tests

SQL query tests can be written in simpler form without using any Java code.

It is done by providing the framework with a sql query file and a file with the expected result. These tests are called convention based because of the directory structure assumed by the framework, namely the directory convention.

Moreover you can define Hive and JDBC datasets that can be queried in your tests. These datasets files contain the data along with the corresponding DDL. For examples take a look at files in the tempto-examples/src/main/resources/sql-tests directory. The directory tree looks like the following:

~/repos/tempto/tempto-examples/src/main/resources$ tree .
├── sql-tests
│   ├── datasets
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── sample_table.ddl
│   └── testcases
│       ├── generated
│       │   └── nation.generator
│       ├── nation
│       │   ├── after
│       │   ├── allRows.result
│       │   ├── allRows.sql
│       │   └── before
│       ├── sample_table
│       │   ├── allRows.result
│       │   └── allRows.sql
│       └── sample_table_insert
│           └── insert.sql
├── suites.json
└── tempto-configuration.yaml

Data sets

Data sets are stored in sql-tests/datasets directory. To create an example table, you will need to create three files:

  • TABLE_NAME.ddl - DDL for data.
  • - file containing raw data.
  • - file with data marker. If you change your data, you should also increase this revision marker, so the new table data is automatically reloaded.


Contains template for SQL for creating table. Header specifies type of table manager which should be used for this table definition. Can be jdbc or hive.

HIVE tables


-- type: hive
  id INT,
  name STRING

Template must contain:

  • %NAME% pattern which will be replaced with table name.
  • %LOCATION% pattern which will replaced with HDFS path where data will be uploaded.
JDBC tables


-- type: jdbc
  id INT,
  name VARCHAR(100)

Template must contain %NAME% pattern which will be replaced with table name.

Contains table data.

HIVE tables

For HIVE table manager content is not analyzed. Data file is just uploaded to HDFS.

JDBC tables


-- delimiter: |; trimValues: false; types: INTEGER|VARCHAR

Header parameters are:

  • delimiter - data columns delimiter (default: |)
  • trimValues - remove leading and trailing whitespace from data values (default: false)
  • types - column types (optional). If skipped strict column type checking will not be performed. Supported column types are:
    • BOOLEAN - true/false
    • BIT - 0/1
    • TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT - integer value
    • REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE - floating point value
    • DECIMAL, NUMERIC - decimal point value
    • DATE - date; format: yyyy-[m]m-[d]d
    • TIME, TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE - time; format: hh:mm:ss
    • TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE - timestamp; format: yyyy-M-d H:m:s.SSS

Currently only HIVE table manager makes use of that. It should contain any string, which must be updated when table contents is changed. It is used for determining if resending table data to HDFS cluster is required or not.


Test case files are stored in sql-tests/testcases_ directory. The directory right under the testcases_directory is the logical equivalent of a TestNG test class. Each logical test is pair of files:

  • TEST.sql - query to be invoked where the first line of file can be a SQL comment specifying query execution requirements:
-- database: hive; groups: example_smoketest,group2; tables: nation;
SELECT * FROM nation

This test contains queries that should be executed against the Hive database. The test is part of two separate TestNG groups: example_smoketest and group2.

In above example queries will be run against database hive (see database key in a first row). Test require immutable table nation to be created and loaded before query execution (see tables key).

It is possible to have more than one query in *.sql file. To do that separate queries using semicolon and put in separate lines.


-- database: hive; tables: sample_hive_table; mutable_tables: sample_hive_table|created|sample_table_created, sample_hive_table|prepared|sample_table_prepared; groups: insert
INSERT INTO TABLE ${mutableTables.hive.sample_table_created} SELECT * from sample_hive_table;
SELECT * from ${mutableTables.hive.sample_table_created}

If multiple queries are defined in the *.sql file results of the last query will be checked against result file.

  • TEST.result - file with the expected result of the query. The first line can be a SQL comment with query assertion requirements:
-- delimiter: |; ignoreOrder: false; types: INTEGER|VARCHAR|INTEGER|VARCHAR
0|ALGERIA|0| haggle. carefully final deposits detect slyly agai|

Above we set the | character as the delimiter, we ignore the order of rows during comparison and that we expect the columns to be of the specified types.

Both SQL and result files honor comments which begin with --- prefix.

It is possible to define both queries and results in single TEST.sql file. Such file is divided into sections. Each section is separated by --! prefix. First section contains global properties. Next sections contain queries and results separately. Each section can override global properties. Additionally, each section can have a name. An example of such file would be:

-- database: hive; groups: example_smoketest,group2
-- delimiter: |; ignoreOrder: false; types: INTEGER|VARCHAR|INTEGER|VARCHAR
--! name: query_1
SELECT * FROM nation WHERE id=0
0|ALGERIA|0| haggle. carefully final deposits detect slyly agai|
--! name: query_2
-- groups: additional_group
SELECT * FROM nation WHERE id=1
1|USA|1| foo bar|

You are also able to add custom before and after scripts for your test. Those are executed before and after each test case. TODO more info on scripts, what they should be named, what they can contain.

Using tables across databases.

It is possible (which is useful for testing Presto for example) to use a table which is created in one database (e.g. hive, psql) while sending test query to other database (e.g. Presto). Take a look at the example below. Here query is issued via Presto JDBC, while nation table could be created somewhere else. In order to determine where nation should be created (find appropriate requirements) below matching flow is used:

  • If database is specified explicitly as prefix for table name (e.g psql.public.nation which means table nation in schema public in database psql) then requirement for table in that database will be generated. Note that database must have a table_manager with type matching table manager of a table or error will be thrown.
  • If no database is specified explicitly then if there is only one database with table manager of type equal to table type then this database will be picked up.
  • As fallback database to which test query would be send is used. Database type manager type vs table type checking is done.
-- database: presto; tables: nation;
SELECT * FROM nation

Here you have an example with an immutable table requirement from database psql.

-- database: presto; tables: psql.public.nation;
SELECT * FROM psql.public.nation

Generated tests

TODO (not used right now)

Tests running

Running tests from your IDE

Java based tests can be simply run as TestNG tests.

There is no such possibility for convention based tests right now.

Using tempto runner

Tests can be run using the tempto runner. This is a java library which enables user to create an executable jar which makes it easy for the user to run the tests. All you need to do is to make an executable jar is to add tempto-runner to dependencies and create a main class which will call TemptoRunner.runTempto (see tempto-examples and its main class for an example).

To see a verbose description of all the execution options run:

$ java -jar tempto-examples/build/libs/tempto-examples-all.jar --help

To run example tests command would look like this:

$ java -jar tempto-examples/build/libs/tempto-examples-all.jar

Runner parameters

By default all tests found in classpath are executed but user may limit that by using --groups, --tests and --exclude-groups. Note that, it depends of runner implementation which of belowing parateters are exposed and which are fixed.

Switch Description Default
--convention-test-dir Location of convention test directory. If not found in local file system then classpath is checked. sql-tests
--report-dir Location of test executionn reports directory. test-reports
--groups List of groups to be executed. All groups are selected.
--tests List of tests to be executed. For java based tests test name is just fully qualified method name e.g. io.prestosql.tempto.examples.SimpleQueryTest.selectCountFromNation. For sql convention based tests name looks like: sql_tests.testcases.sample_table.allRows. Tests which name ends with one of patterns specified in --tests parameter will be executed. All tests are selected.
--exclude-groups List of test groups which should be excluded from execution. No groups are excluded.


A special thanks to the entire Hadapt team for inspiring the architecture of this framework.


A testing framework for Presto







No packages published


  • Java 80.1%
  • Groovy 19.2%
  • Other 0.7%