This platform is an AI-powered solution designed to enhance UPSC preparation for aspirants. It is now open to open-source contributions, inviting the community to collaborate and improve its features.
It provides various AI backed tools
- Next
- Postgres
- Prisma
- Shadcn
- Tailwind
- AuthJS
- Langchainjs
- GeminiAI
- AWS Textract
- AWS S3
- NeonDB
- Upstash
- Vercel
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Docker : To run the PostgreSQL database in a container.
- Node.js : For running scripts and the development server (v20.11.0).
- npm : For package management.
- Clone the repository.
- Create an env file
npm run copy-env
- Install all the dependencies
npm install
- Start the database server. This will spin up a postgres container.
npm run start-db
- Run all prisma migrations
npm run migrate-up
- Start the development server
Open http://localhost:8080 with your browser to see the result.
npm run dev
For contributing please check this