Are you one of those people that can't seem to decide on what to cook?
Chef Buddy is an Android app which helps you manage your recipes and help you decide! Chef buddy also allows you to keep track of meals you've cooked in the past, so that you dont repeat them!
Use Chef Buddy to organize your recipes:
- Create recipes, add a description, ingredients, servings, preparation and images.
- Log your daily cooking and see what you've had for lunch or dinner!
- Search for recipes online using multiple recipe sources
- Don't know what to cook? Chef Buddy includes a configurable Spin Wheel that randomly selects meals
Please check out the prototype by clicking right here!
- MVP: Model View Presenter
- Dependency Injection using Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- Custom Compound Views (such as FancyEditText)
- Custom xml attributes for compound views
- ItemTouchHelper implementation (for dragging/sorting items on a recyclerView) (thanks to ItemTouchHelper-Demo)
- Material design layouts: Coordinatorlayout, AppbarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout
- Google Drive API with OAuth 2.0
This Project uses external dependencies and SDK's
- PrizeWheelView - PrizeWheel custom view by me :D
- Butterknife - Android view binder library by JakeWharton
- Dagger 2 - Dependency Injection library by Square
- TransitionsEverywhere - Backported Transitions library by andkulikov
- MaterialSearchView - Material Search View by MiguelCatalan
- Image Cropper - Image Cropping Library by ArthurHub
- ScrollGalleryView - Image Gallery by VEINHORN
- CircleImageView - CircleImageView by hdodenhof
- Material Calendar View - Backported calendar view by prolificinteractive
- Android Studio 2.3.3 IDE - Android IDE
- Pencil 3.0.3 - Prototyping by evolus
- Alejandro Bicelis - Coding and app design - abicelis
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details