Sadly.. FlightAware made some changes to its API, basically removing the free tier. As of now (Sept 2018) Plane Tracker has been unpublished from the Play Store :( I may look into swapping out FlightAware, sometime in the future. Sorry folks.
I don't like huge, slow, complicated, non-intuitive, odd-looking, bloated, add-riddled flight tracking apps. Plane Tracker is a simple, lightweight yet good-looking plane/flight tracking app.
Its free, has NO ADS, looks great, lets you set trips with multiple flights. That's it.
Please check out the prototype by clicking right here!
- MVP: Model View Presenter with configuration change survival
- New fancy MVP+RxJava+DataLayer architecture, loosely based on ribot-boilerplate
- RxJava 2 and Rx Android!
- Java lambdas (retrolambda)
- Retrofit
- Dagger 2
- Room database
This Project uses external dependencies and SDK's
- Butterknife - Android view binder library by JakeWharton
- Timber - Logger by JakeWharton
- Dagger 2 - Dependency Injection by Square
- TransitionsEverywhere - Backported Transitions library by andkulikov
- CircleImageView - Circular ImageView by hdodenhof
- Gradle Retrolambda - Java lambda support by evant
- RxJava 2 - Reactive Extensions by ReactiveX
- RxAndroid - RxJava bindings for Android by ReactiveX
- Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android by square
- Room - Room mobile database by google
- FlightAware API - Flight Data API
- ADS-B Exchange - Flight Data API
- Google Maps API - Google Maps API
- Google Maps Utils - Google Maps Utils API
- Regular icons. Size 24dp, padding 2dp.
- Large icons. Size 48dp, padding 2dp.
- Android Studio 2.3.3 IDE - Android IDE
- Pencil 3.0.3 - Prototyping by evolus
- Alejandro Bicelis - Coding and app design - abicelis
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details