Search your api through types, with speed
Goggle is a type-directed search engine like hoogle but for Go
Try Goggle for yourself! You can now visit here to see Goggle in action.
You can type query to search and filter results.
The most simplest form is just Go's standard function definition.
func length(s string) int
But we can omit a function name, to retrieve results whose name does not match with length
func (s string) int
We can omit a func
keyword too.
(s string) int
Finally, we can omit argument names.
(string) int
Type = Primitives | SliceType | PointerType | identifier .
Primitives = "bool" | Int | UInt | "float32" | "float64" | "complex64" | "complex128" .
Int = "int" | "int8" | "int16" | "int32" | "int64" .
UInt = "uint" | "uint8" | "uint16" | "uint32" | "uint64" | "uintptr" .
SliceType = "[" "]" Type .
Parameters = "(" [ Type { "," Type } ] ")" .
Query = [ "func" ] [ identifier ] Parameters [ Type ] .
$ git clone && cd goggle
$ go run ./cmd/indexer
# or
$ go run ./cmd/indexer <space separated list of packages to index>
See help page for more information:
Usage of indexer:
-f string
index format (default "gob")
-o string
path to save index file
$ go run ./cmd/repl
# or optionally pass a path to index file to use
$ go run ./cmd/repl <index file to use>
It will then show you a prompt starting with Ξ»
Type any query(like () bool
) and enter to see the results.
Ξ» () bool
func utf8.FullRune() bool // FullRune reports whether the bytes in p begin with a full UTF-8 encoding of a rune.
func nettest.TestableAddress() bool // TestableAddress reports whether address of network is testable on the current platform configuration.
func nettest.SupportsRawSocket() bool // SupportsRawSocket reports whether the current session is available to use raw sockets.
func nettest.SupportsIPv6() bool // SupportsIPv6 reports whether the platform supports IPv6 networking functionality.
func nettest.SupportsIPv4() bool // SupportsIPv4 reports whether the platform supports IPv4 networking functionality.
func signal.Ignored() bool // Ignored reports whether sig is currently ignored.
func slices.Equal() bool // Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all elements equal.
func testenv.OptimizationOff() bool // OptimizationOff reports whether optimization is disabled.
func testenv.HasSymlink() bool // HasSymlink reports whether the current system can use os.Symlink.
func testenv.HasSrc() bool // HasSrc reports whether the entire source tree is available under GOROOT.
$ go run ./cmd/goggle
The default port number is 6099
(L33T or Gogg
). You can pass -port
option to change it.
Usage of goggle:
-port int
port number to bind (default 6099)
Try requesting from terminal:
$ http :6099/search q='() bool' -v
POST /search HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 15
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:6099
User-Agent: HTTPie/3.2.1
"q": "() bool"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 1970
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 04:12:01 GMT
"items": [
"sim": 0,
"sig": "func utf8.FullRune() bool",
"summary": "FullRune reports whether the bytes in p begin with a full UTF-8 encoding of a rune.",
"link": ""
"sim": 0,
"sig": "func nettest.TestableAddress() bool",
"summary": "TestableAddress reports whether address of network is testable on the current platform configuration.",
"link": ""
Ensure that you have Go, Task, Node.js, and Binaryen installed.
Then, execuate the following commands:
$ task wasm-exec syntaxck
$ corepack enable
$ pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
$ cd frontend
If you don't want to have local Goggle proxy, you can specify your already-deployed endpoint by setting VITE_EXTERN_ENDPOINT
$ echo 'VITE_EXTERN_ENDPOINT=<type your endpoint url here>' > .env.production
Then, run!
$ pnpm dev
# Or, to use an external endpoint:
$ pnpm dev --mode production
For building the frontend for deployment or serving:
$ pnpm build
- Index
- Portable index file
- Index popular packages
- Incremental search
- Frontend
- Standalone result view
- Link to
- Brief description
- Syntax hightlighting for search result
- Use dedicated search bar component
- Query
- Compound types
- Array
- Slice
- Pointer type
- Inline struct type
- Interface resolution
- Method
- Multiple return
- Parameter collaping
- Spread syntax
- Generics
- Constraints
- Compound types
- Levenshtein distance
- Argument-level similarity comparison
- Hoogle-like structured edit distance
- Subtype polymorphic edit distance
- GHA CD automation
- External tools
- vscode extension
- neovim LSP support?
There are many ways to support and contribute to the ongoing maintenance and improvement of Goggle. Any support is greatly appreciated!
- Spread the world. Share Goggle with your co-workers, students, and community so that they can find it useful as well!
- Report bugs. If you encounter any unexpected behavior or runtime panics, please open an issue to report and document them.
- Make your document cleaner. Although Goggle can find items without documentation, it doesn't have a power to generate intuitive identifiers and descriptive summaries. So it's a good idea to document you package thoroughly to enhance developer experience.
- Suggest better idea. Currently, Goggle's approximate search doesn't support structural edit-distance, and there are still a lot of missing features. Your suggestions for more accurate and efficient implementations are always welcome.
- Build creative tools on top of Goggle. Goggle currently supports web search and REPL, but the possibilities for its application are limitless. Ideas like a vscode extension, LSP autocompletion, etc., could significantly expand its ecosystem.